Let us COPY our characters to a vanilla realm

Where your character data goes. This is an option that was never given in the real progression to TBC, so you should be appreciative.

No, you haven’t because you keep replying. And only nitpicking my posts to snicker at. Like I said, you’re just arguing, for the sake of arguing. You have NOTHING.

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Okay, but that is largely irrelevant when it’s more likely due to their own personal decisions based on their own game. We may see more at Blizzcon, and it’s likely this will be a question.

So did you want me to put you on ignore to show you I have no interest in continuing arguing with someone that believes their opinions are relevant?

why would it be a double? how would i double my progress on tbc? how would i double my progress on vanilla? you treat these games as separate when it fits you, and the same when it fits you, and vise versa when it doesnt fit me

Which is an OPINION. Not a “fact”. But, an OPINION!


If you feel it’s best. You can just…stop replying.

How ironic :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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so i cant play my character on vanilla because it moved. got it. i understand fully. now imagine you could just go ahead and play that character on vanilla. without having to spend 70+ days re doing everything you have already did. sounds great right? oh but i forgot you want to do that and so should everyone else.

yes, if the door is locked so i cant go back in and name removed from title so i cant reclaim it, which is what happens with your character once you choose to go. if stay, you cant go in front yard in your analogy, so i’m not deleted in that case, cause i havent went there yet. but if i went there and now want to go back inside the house, i cant cause i’ve been removed/deleted from ownership of the house interior. good news, i still own the yard. haha

You’re still going on despite telling me in all caps I have, “NOTHING”. And telling me I’m “arguing for the sake of arguing”.

So I applaud you because, unlike some others, you are actually being reasonable with your arguments.

I agree that there are, roughly, a million ways that Blizzard could have done a better job with classic. However the evidence I would give as to why I don’t think the game was rushed is the actual game lifecycle.

Naxx came out on June 20, 2006
TBC Launched on January 16, 2007

So about 6 months. Assuming that TBC Classic comes out in May (which is what was leaked, admittedly this could be false but I doubt it will be earlier than May) that means that it will have been about 6 months between Naxx and TBC, just like in actual Vanilla to TBC.

When you look at the timelines further, most major patches in classic have lasted about as long as they did in actual Vanilla as well.

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Congratulations! You finally understood that transferring something doesn’t create a copy. You did it!

These are a lot of words for saying, “I don’t understand how this works”.

thats what youre doing. if you werent, you would accept that you can never play your character on vanilla after ahem… moving it to tbc

Vanilla or TBC

better yet. lets not even call it moving. lets call it, “taking a nice happy trip” to tbc

Correct - you can never reverse time in this game.

Merely pointing out your double standard and hypocrisy. What you presented is NOT a “fact”. No matter how you slice and dice it. You’re trying to claim that you’re presenting “facts” and “evidence”, but you’re not, hence why you have NOTHING.

Because you are.

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Yes, that is true but that doesn’t mean you are deleting a character or losing progress.

You can do this. Your allowed to move your character from the progressed server to a Vanilla one.

maybe you can understand that your progress gets deleted on the game you moved from

I like the industry term of “Migrate”