Let me be the first to welcome premades to the mess they created

Is it really a mess now? Now AV is more normal and playable for non-pugs.

At this point balancing racials isnt going to do anything for the imbalance.

The only thing that would help the imbalance is allowing Faction change ONLY HORDE TO ALLY until the #'s balance out.

TONS of quality of life changes could be made to help the longevity of wow but I doubt anything is coming as classic was just another way to milk sub money.

Classic projection :point_up_2:

Not really. It’s going to reward Bots and AFK /Leachers more though.

All one has to do to prove it, is go back through your comment history. Plenty of cases where you insult people you disagree with.

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Who said I didn’t? I just don’t go wreck others’ gaming experiences for my personal gain and then get high and mighty on the forums. I don’t mind calling out the bags of poop. I’d rather be accurate.

Somebody musta gotten banned from the Discords…

BTW, they did this in Vanilla too. Cross-realm just wasn’t around long enough to make it an issue. Pre-made single server teams existed too for WSG and AB and just MOWED DOWN the other side. Discord just made it easier to do in bulk. (Pssst, the win rates still weren’t all that high for Alliance, horde just can’t stand not being the almighty stomper in PVP)

AFKs aren’t going to be r14. Getting only bonus honor is only going to get the AFKs only so far. You also need kills, flag caps, etc. to separate yourself from the rest of the pack.

Remember, it’s all relative.

AV is characters 51 to 60
Please show me these lazy players level 51 - 59 who are too lazy
to buy epic mounts, so we can ban them from the game.

oh wait…

What’s that you say?

What do you mean they are NOT ALLOWED to buy epic mounts?

Oh, surely you are mistaken and that is not true…

have you more brilliant nonsense?

Yea. Quit being lazy and get to level cap genius.


The 51-59 players shouldn’t be the ones complaining about AV lol. It’s not even a good way to get XP.

I’m all for diversifying your experience. But if you are complaining about being left behind and you are 51-59 its not a legitimate complaint.


AFK’s and bots add up to a major disadvantage in a game.

You cant get honor from a Capture in AV.

In AV, killing all the LT’s and commanders, while holding Bunkers was about 3k Honor +/- 100.

AFK/Leachers can benefit from this 24/7 now.

an* yikes thats a bit ironic… almost like the kids that say “your stupid” while using the wrong you’re LMAO

what kind of 3rd party software ? did i miss something? lol

They quite seriously are upset about Voice Comms. That’s all it boils down to. Fast ques meant easy voice comms. If people knew how to use the in game ones worth a crap they would’ve asked Blizz to remove that instead lol.


nope, because everyone moved to WSG

Says the level 13? LoL

When someone asks for more nonsense, it’s rhetorical, you aren’t literally supposed to say something more stupid.

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Nice try spin doctor.

There is no spin. If you aren’t max level in AV, you are there to leech. There is no other reason to be there.

I have an excuse. It’s an Alt. What’s yours?

Taking your time?

Have an IRL?

Not great at a game?

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