Less layers right before Ulduar?

I think ulduar would bring back less players than you expected. The player base in wrath would actually decrease after phase 2 release

Naw people will come back for Ulduar. That’s gonna be Wotlk’s big moment because hard raids will give it some staying power, AND unlike SWP it’s not coming at the end of an expansion when people are starting to drop already.

It’s after Ulduar people should be worried about. TOGC is a terrible raid, and without buffs its a massive step down in difficulty also… plus with the Ulduar Ilvl boosts you have even less reason to bother with it. And ICC is a good raid, but it’s significantly easier than Ulduar and comes at the end of the xpac. People will run it once or twice then quit until whatever comes next.

Which is why they’re saving their “lOl wE wErE wRoNg aBoUt RDF” announcement for sometime around TOGC… as bad a decision as that is for the current game

I mean, I am playing ff14 :stuck_out_tongue: I’m just here for 3 days while I have some free game time from blizzard, came onto the forums to vent my frustration about the state of the game.

I had absolutely zero doubt you were.

Checks out. Using free game-time to complain about a game you don’t play because it was never designed for the type of experience you want… I don’t play candy crush… but I don’t spend my time on the Candy Crush forums telling everyone how much I don’t like… whatever Candy Crush gameplay is

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Na, It is after uldaur wrath gona be its finest. Since we on last original wrath balance patch and every plate dps gona farm their shadowmourne in ICC. Ulduar is just more raid logger, this no content beside the raid in phase 2. I betting it wouldnt bring more player after ths first week.

I mean, classic vanilla was an absolute blast. Then TBC rolled around and we got megaservers and permanent layers. I would totally be playing classic wrath if grobbulus wasn’t permanently layered and filled with a toxic mess of players.

You’ve got it backwards… You can’t raid log on content you’re not clearing. Most guilds will never clear Algalon before the nerfs.

ICC is an EASY raid, which is why it will be raid-logged.

I like your optimism but it was leaked here a month ago—no one paid attention cause they were too busy trolling and it was hinted to in the middle of a thread. The intended release date for Ulduar is the January 24th. It could have been the 17th—can’t remember. If you search here you may find it. I don’t think it was deleted. It was one or the other.

I feel like it was the 17th the more I think about it.

People will come back and check out the raid, either they find it too hard to worth playing or they would raid log the normal version.

If I remmeber correctly there was only 1 guild manage to clear ICC before 30% buff that was due an exploit. ICC wouldnt be hard compare to modern raid now but it was hard in original wrath

Not how it’ll go at all lol.

People said same thing about Ret paladin and PvP in wrath. It didnt happen…

What in the world are you talking about, lol?

Ulduar is like Nax in classic and Sunwell in TBC. These phase didnt do well, did they? Anyway believe what you want

Did you not play Classic? Naxx was one of, if not the most popular raids of Classic. SWP too was initially. But both those raids came at the very end of an expansion and people are less inclined to keep running a raid when an expansion that makes it all obsolete is months or weeks away… Ulduar is dropping in the middle of an expansion, will be more difficult than any raid we’ve seen in Classic to date, and is one of the most popular raids from the entire franchise.

Conversely… ICC saw the biggest drop in subscriptions in the entire history of WOW… Because it was an easy raid at the end of an expansion and no one cared after killing Arthas once as soon as he unlocked.

Those nax didnt have much an effect due people hype for shadowland release. Now we are at start of dragonflight. Everyone played wrath wanted to kill Arthas, it was most iconic boss in wow’s history. And the decline on wow population started in cataclysm. Believe what you want , we will see effect ulduar’s effect in a month. You like those people claim vanila raid were super hardcore when it was not.

Complaining about layers and just think people want the servers unlocked lol.

I’m just going off of my own opinion and experience with multitude of games that tend to just let things go.

It’s not that in my understanding or knowledge or he say she say characteristics of this or that. It’s what Ive experienced over the years of gaming

This is what people have been saying over and over for months. Yet you forget one key ingredient. You. You leave that server and so do a lot of people and transfer to example server F. Now that server has become infested by lag.

Good thing we have multiple servers to spread the playerbase around.

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Yeah, what Gosakii said. There’s more destination realms than there are full realms, so not EVERYONE is going to go to the same place.