Length of SOM 1, what is even SOM 2?

One of the vaguest things that we have in WoW. Is what is exactly Season of Mastery going to be? Is it going to be SOM 2? Some other name? If so what is the name, and what is it going to be? Season of Champion, and it be a BC HM? Some other iteration of Vanilla, different changes to that experience?

Im curious, because we are not that far off from the end, in announcement terms. Blizz doesn’t just drop the pile right away and say “this is out”. We hear about it long in advance. We test it. So anyone with say so want to give something to us, a lil bit? Im curious where A. My current character is going to end up. Thats never been a question in WoW before, you knew where your toon was going to end up at a point long before it did. And B. What is the next season? At least an outline/basis

Well, there is no guarantee that there will even be a Season 2.

I would think they will need to gauge the relative business success of SoM compared to the costs to implement and maintain it, to determine if it is even a worthwhile investment of resources.

If there is a new season, there is no guarantee it would come immediately after the end of SoM, which will be in mid-November of this year.

Another option that I see more likely would be a different Season based on fresh servers of TBC, with some leveling and rule tweaks.

I had no desire to play in TBC with my existing characters under a new rule set with all of the existing high-level characters and 58-boosts, but a fresh start from level 1 for everyone might be fun.

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They addressed this a while back.

So it’s move to Era or delete.
They’ve not announced specific realms but it’s a good bet it’ll be the Whitemane cluster for PVP and Mankrik cluster for PVE since that’s where the free transfers in Era send you. Looks like they are consolidating.

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Hopefully they brick these types of servers and just rerelease 2019 classic with 18 month timeline and mage boost changes etc. som is like the size of one tbc server. Very cool!


you want to replace a seasonal server with another seasonal server, no thanks

12 months with increased loot actually feels really good, but id prefer wbuffs.

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Increased loot is what it is but people underestimate how many people didn’t play because they don’t want to invest a ton of time into a server with such a short life span. It can make your no-lifing grind feel like a waste. That plus world buffs. I only played for pvp, if it wasn’t for that I wouldn’t have played at all due to its lifeline

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You are welcome to offer something that makes sense and will actually hold a decent player population and have incentive to play

One thing that’s extremely noticeable is the lack of alts. And personally its hard for me to commit to a second level 60 with the short life cycle. That’s the only negative I see with that short cycle. But I can see how people aren’t willing to commit to even one character, let alone alts.

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This is true, I would personally like some sort of clarification on what exactly is going to happen to my character or what will be possible in the future. Will we get TBC SoM? Will we be able to join Classic Era level through Outlands and join Wrath Classic?

There are a lot of players who just enjoy vanilla and I wouldn’t be surprised to see a Classic server that has good population and people just keep playing Vanilla content. I don’t see many guilds getting through Naxx and getting their bis before the season ends.

The characters are going to classic era. There is zero mention of tbc som and I would be mind blown if it was even so much as mentioned by blizzard

Som may be fun to some but the fact is it forces a one dimensional approach to the game

I am hoping for a not quite as hard version of som, with some of the mana issues solved by buffing: blessing of wisdom, judgement of wisdom, and divine spirit. While at the same time having some quality of life changes and, eventually new retro versions of raids that might have been cut content.

You’re asking for original classic with an extra raid. Here’s another advocate of the way things were

Yea, I would’ve liked that progress. Everything exactly as it is now in SOM. With the only exception that it was 1.5 years duration. Spread out the releases just sliightly over that time. I wonder how many more people wouldve/stayed and started at all, if alch procs, and extra drops would’ve been in from the start. I think the 100% XP could maybe wait til a bit like it did here?

world buffs

No. Chasing world buffs was the single most cancerous, anti-fun part of Classic. I’d rank it up there with WotLK gearscore crutchers that demanded GS higher than you could get from the content they wanted to run for everyone but themselves.

SoM 2 with all current changes + a single extra drop from bosses above say, level 55? I can get behind that. Considering I dumped SoM after 150 runs trying to get my D1 legs for the .5 chain and instead saw 2 mounts, a 2h and a fistful of 1hs, I think some bad luck protection would be nice.


For you.

The removal of world buffs kept a lot of people from coming back to SOM. Whether you like that or not. They’ve already said they are thinking of ways to implement world buffs back in the future seasons.

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It wasn’t cancer you are just lazy and probably played on a pvp server. There is always the option of pve. You play this game with every waking hour of free time as do most classic players, but taking some time to buff up is cancer?

I dont raid so i dont have a horse in this world buff race but I do see more people whine about them than defend them but I know that not exactly a watertight argument against them lmao.

I just want a barber, dual spec, enchanting vellum (PLEASE blizzard im an altaholic professions enjoyer (altacholic artisan?) PLEASE i hate hate hate trying to sell enchants thru trade). and i would like mana issues to be fixed.
I like the xp buff a lot and the herb procs as well.

i’ve been enjoying SoM. i barely even touch my TBC characters anymore. azeroth is just home for me. I hope SOM2 happens.

Generally the forums are for complaints not praise, that is why you see “wbuff complaints” yet the population of som tells another story entirely