Legitimate Paladin Questions

I know they had bad raid dps. But you still had to bring them because of tranq shot.

Oh, I agree.

And this Min/maxing is going to open a lot of eyes to these “so called” “Classic Lovers”

I tend to believe maybe 25% of these Hardcore forum Classic Lovers have ever even played it.

Yes, just 1 though.

And see how fast your core raid group collapses when everyone is fighting over the same gear.

I can’t wait till Shammy gear drops for Alliance and these Classic Lovers go…“huh?”

If they stay true to 1.12, that won’t happen in raids.

They fixed it by then? It’s all a blur.

from what I understand, it was fixed very early in vanilla and didn’t start again until the tbc pre-patch.

Absolutely keep a healing set even at lower levels that’s acceptable! If you’re anxious to swap specs then ret (on private servers) drop off damagewise around lvl55 so you could swap specs there and finish off the last few levels with a mix of dungeons and quests

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You can offheal and main heal in all 5 mans all the way to 60 depending on your group.

Late game you start going to stratholme and scholomance, where warrior tanks will struggle to keep threat off you.

Having multiple sets of gear that you’re going to replace in one level or in a random drop anyway is stupid. Your bag space won’t support it. Worry about that at 60.

When you raid, you raid with your raiding spec. When you pvp, you pvp with your pvp spec.

When you level, you level in your leveling spec.