Legion WQs not activating

Did an advanced search but saw nothing relevant, so posting here:

I am frequently finding myself unable to start (let alone complete) WQs in Legion zones, particularly in Stormheim. I’m on this character, exalted with almost every faction back through to Vanilla, and WQs unlocked for every expansion in which they’re available.

I can be standing on the ground, unmounted, in the middle of the WQ icon on my minimap, and the WQ just never triggers. It’s not game-breaking, but it is annoying since I’m trying to finally just plow through to finish the 10k WQ achievement.

Anybody have any idea what might be going on here?

You have to get a quest from Khadgar in Dalaran Broken Isles first, Uniting the Isles.

I’ve had that quest done since Legion. And never had this issue before.

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The only think I can think of is some interface thing is bugging out. It might be worth trying a full UI reset. I know that some addons were interfering with the invasion pop up quests when Legion was current.

(Phasing would be other possibility, but I can’t think of any specific Legion phasing issues, and that might explain one world quest not working, not all of them.)

gotta do other quest first before going. there you will find out.

This worked for me. Thank you.