The weekly quest itself reset, but the item that gives it to you after completing legion TW via dungeon finder isn’t dropping this week. Even on my alts that hadn’t done it last week.
It will drop, but for some reason not from the first dungeon you complete. I’ve had it drop on 3rd or 4th dungeon last boss.
even then, It’s still bugged, It’s supposed to be guaranteed from your 1st run.
I did a timewalking run on all my characters the first week.
This week I did one run on a character on US servers, it dropped again, first run.
Then I did a run on a character on EU servers. Didn’t drop.
I thought maybe it was bugged on US servers and they fixed it by now, that’s why it didn’t drop on EU.
But if some of you haven’t gotten it from the first run right away, it might still drop. Maybe wait for them to fix the bug.
Waiting for it to eventually drop from the third or fourth boss isn’t right. It should be dropping from the first boss of the week. I’m having the same issue. I’ve done two random timewalking dungeons on my paladin and no crystal. I’ve even run the command “/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(64710))” and it comes up false. It dropped on 4 of my other characters on the first boss this week and they all did it last week. I’ve opened a ticket with Blizzard and I’m sure they’ll fix it… if they aren’t busy recovering from another DDOS attack.
This just happened to me too. I got it the first TW dungeon of the week on 3 characters, but on my rogue I have ran 2 and have yet to see it. I submitted a ticket. I may run more tonight if I have time to see if it eventually drops (But I shouldn’t have to if it is a bug)
Same issue. Ran timewalking a few times a day since Thursday on the same character, finally got the crystal to drop on Saturday evening.
I just got a response from a GM saying there is no proof I ran the timewalking dungeons. This is BS because if they look at the loot logs they would see I looted badges from all the bosses including the final boss of each timewalking dungeon.
I wonder if the bug is the server is not capturing the fact we are doing TW dungeons until a right time when if finally does and triggers getting the weekly quest item?
Ran four timewalking dungeons last night on an alt for the weekly, and did not get the Whispering Felflame Crystal to drop in any of them. (The fifth one was from last Monday before the rest, when I did correctly receive the Crystal at the end of the first dungeon.)
Same thing happened to me. Gonna put a ticket in.
First week of TW, worked as expected.
Second Week, my main got it again on the first run. My Alt did not.
Third week, Main has not gotten it in 9runs. Haven’t bothered with Alt as such.
But the 5runs Weekly quest works no problem, just not the badge quest.
Blizz - what’s up?
Just got my 500 badges from a GM so keep submitting a ticket and you will get there!
I wonder if it coded to drop every 7 real life days and not weekly reset since this is the 1st TW to be extended?
I ran Legion TW on all my toons last Monday morning/afternoon, 12/20/21 and turned them. and have not gotten one to drop all this week.