Legendary is way too OP

Yeah i might take a break from the game after enough people get that weapon. I don’t want to even try to heal through that stuff in pvp.

Cite me bby or it didn’t happen

I actually agree with this, like…thats the point right?

Put in all the effort for a legendary, it should dominate, I remember that I got DESTORYED by someone rockin shadowmourne and I thought “damn thats awesome”

cept fangs of the father though, cuz screw rogues reeeeee, i hated that.

According to DK and Paladin theory crafters its a whole ton of work for just slightly more damage then what other classes get with their purple weapons from fyrakk. You have to spend a ton of time many hours of grinding out the quests and buying like 1m worth of items to get it while other classes get their purple weapon drop for free.

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drop a CC during the chargeup trololol

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Cite you… what?

Evoker’s legendary effect was reduced by half in PvP, it gave half the main stat/speed.