Legendary dropped tonight..im not crafting it

Just swipe and do it that way you can have it as tmog in the future when new evoker will up how to get it and cry nobody plays Dragonflight anymore.

Yeah I didn’t bother. I’m not parting with that much gold.

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I don’t think it’s practical to hold something like that against someone.

We all have our opinions and opinions are like the weather, they change with circumstances and time. That doesn’t mean that that person doesn’t have something valid to say.

So it’s okay to disagree but I think it’s dumb to hold a grudge and completely judge someone negatively by an opinion they hold at any given time.

I was sitting on 3m before the xpac started i keep going up and down depending on what I want or dont want. The game is easy to make money if you just put forth the effort or you can just swipe like most people.

Of course you don’t, because you’re also one of the people who ‘liked’ that thread.

If your opinion is “I choose to hate and/or disparage a group of people based on things they can’t control” then nah, I think it’s pretty reasonable to just write them/you off.

I think they need to pick a lane. If it’s gonna require 20 hours of quests and scenarios and 100k+ in mats, it should be a virtually guaranteed drop. If it’s gonna take up to 16 kills to get when seasons are only 24 weeks long, then it needs to drop ready to equip.

Hate is a strong word and there is no way to know how someone feels about any particular subject/person unless they say that specifically, literally and repeatedly.

Til then, no one really knows how anyone feels about anything.
It’s all guess work in the end. This is why I don’t bother getting upset over stuff like this. I don’t take it personal and I don’t scrutinize what others like and don’t like, I don’t make assumptions based off of something that minor.

I don’t think anyone should because it’s a waste of time but that’s me.
You and everyone else can do what you do. Be well.

what did you do to make that 3m