Legendary dropped tonight..im not crafting it

I’m glad I never got the legendary on my paladin.

just the thought of grinding that much superbloom makes me :face_vomiting:

yeah was doing LFR thinking it would be interesting to see then I saw the questlines and dropped that idea so quick… I’m good keep your mats AH flippers/mafia


I was so ambitious thinking I’ll craft a second axe for my DK after my Paladin obtains one.

Ah, the folly of youth.

And the one-season-ago mentality.

pretty easy to get the staff nowadays , its about luck tho , but in HC drops are guarenteed afaik

This is the only reason these 2 legendaries cost so much.
And it’s disgusting. I pray my main never gets a “crafted questline” legendary. You have to drop so much gold just to be competitive that season

Could’ve just been a questline that requires grinding drops that only drop when you’re on that quest, instead of “open your wallet bucko”

Yeah hopefully in the future legendaries will either

  1. Not be a thing
  2. Just be a drop and if you get it you get it if you don’t you don’t

My favorite legendary is the dragonwrath one, cool questline, no gold sinks (that i remember at least? been 10 years…) and you get a personal mount. Even unlock a pet for your guild!

Then make it yourself or get some friends or guild members to help you.

Stares at the 3,000 gold cost of Sands of Time that you need three of, totaling 9,000 gold to finish one step of that questline.

You can make tons of gold just by Dragonracing. 500g per race, 8-9 races per toon, thats 4k right there. 4x10 is 40k. Twice a week, thats 80k alone.

Then do Call to arms on a healer or tank, thats 900g per satchel, plus the augment runes that go for 500-900 a pop.

I got TWW in three months, and I am already back up to 1.06 million.

Ah right i forgot about that one. I don’t remember 9k being too much in cataclysm though. I had like 100k without doing anything crazy

The 2 legendaries in dragonflight are absurd in comparison. And a big part of that is it not being a vendor item. The price will only go up once people aren’t doing DF content for these materials

Which makes it cheaper or more expensive based on the player, since you can decide to get the required items yourself or buy them off someone else. Don’t like the price? Get it yourself.

When BoE epics with far less power are selling for an average of 5-6x what the lego mats cost, this really isn’t expensive at all for how powerful it is.

If it’s not worth the gold to you to craft, then don’t craft it, but I just don’t see the need to make a post about it lol.

I just bought a token which covered and then some. My time has a higher dollar value than the tokens cost. I’ll never farm gold ever.

But it is kinda lame you don’t get something for all the hardwork and just have to gold pour/tedium to get something for your troubles. They should give you the legendary and make the effect locked behind the chain.

I did the sleeperbloom grind on my DK for the axe and that and the rare tagging is some of the most boring content imaginable.

The quest chain aspect in Aberrus I thought was cool, and I don’t mind a material cost/grind, but a lazy “go kill 50 rares with an item that can’t be used in combat and randomly falls off and also do 20 superblooms which are some of the most boring content ever developed” was a definite feel bad

You may already know but for the rares, if you spam-kill mobs at the emerald frienzy without looting them and spawn a bunch of the surging lashers, you can knock out several per frienzy and hammer through it pretty quick without having to fly all over. Just something I found helpful.

Also in the next stage with the quest where having a healer is really helpful, you can queue for a follower dungeon and the follower healer will keep you up.

Also you can use your first bonus leaves item on yourself for the quest and then buff yourself. Any given character can only do the quest once, though.

Thanks for the advice! I finished the rares just using rare scanner and flying around between superblooms.

I’ve been getting lucky on superblooms with about 30 per run, got to 140 last night. Hoping tonight I can finish it.

My best friend is a healer main and he’s gunna heal me through that one.

#Dragula1137 is my btag you can add me and I can see if I have any left over materials to help you if you want. :slight_smile:

I made mine and I can help in some capacity.


If your guild is raiding (and not a collection of putzes) then it would be worth it to make this a guild project since the legendary makes for a good raid/M+ buff.

Beyond that though: every legendary has been a slog to get; either because it had a ridiculously remote chance to drop or because it had associated crafting/questing attatched to it.

Me too, i made a ticket to delete my legendery quest so it wont take 1 Slot bag

At this point in S4, probably not much of a reason for you to craft it unless you are maybe raiding mythic.

Also, I do think it is lame that Blizzard made legendary crafting to cost expensive mats.