Legend Title offering pennant now

They made the Legend reward a red flag so you know to stay away from those people


That would be awful, let me play a spec no one plays a cop a glad real quick.

First few games in solo shuffle sure, but after you settle in to your rank this doesn’t even apply. Or have placements similar to LoL.

Let’s see, going up ranks (or down) has an animation scene giving a form of achievement or a sense of you need to get better. And this is compared to what?
A rank change text you see for 2 seconds before you leave the arena at 1400, 1600, 1800, 2100, 2400? So majority of people are only having a sense of achievement at 1400/1600 and maybe 1800?
How this is debatable is a joke

Totally agree with you

If you fall below 1800 ever you should lose the elite transmog for the current and every previous season


I respectfully disagree that this would be the case. I think that it would cause a great increase in spec/comp diversity and reduce the amount of fotm/meta specs/comps. Consequently the % based rewards would be similarly competitive because people could play any spec to achieve them (and would want to try non-meta specs), versus feeling forced to play S tier specs/comps (or minimum A tier) to have a solid opportunity to get rewards. Give a two-three week grace period to allow people to push before making the awards achievable, and then I seriously doubt anyone would be getting a free anything (the ladder would be flooded at this point with competitors).

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Agree dat.

From what I understand Legend this season vs SL season 2 Gladiator isn’t that different. But I didn’t play much beyond season 1 in SL.

Ya I was gonna say this lol. All the pennants are toys…

It’s a PvP thing, can’t expect that of them. Need to make sure players see that new achievement for hugging squirrels or whatever.

They posted a picture pretty early so I imagine it was mostly or completely done and they just forgot because they don’t do seasonal banners. Or decided later that it’d be the legend reward when legend was something they had to whip up because people wanted a post-2400 but not require r1 reward.

Sounds fun. :dracthyr_love_animated:

Or Maybe they were planning a Mount or something bigger for Legend later, but read our forum posts about wanting something perma for legend this season and decided to give us something last minute in S1 for Legend and this was the path of least resistance.

It’s pennant for this season and next.

The most likely scenario is that they hadn’t finished the pennant (along with the other rewards) and instead of adding it for Duelist held onto it when Legend didn’t have its own reward. Legend was added later.

How do you know next?

Because they just announced it.

Dang, it’ll be the next expansion then before they just embrace RSS as the most played arena mode and start putting real rewards in there.

so no pennant this season?

It’ll be awarded in two weeks for Legend this season.

If I would of known solo means nothing to blizzard. I personally thought it was harder than 2s or 3s. I would of never grinded it out. Some people say it was easy. but if you lose at 2450 you damn near lose 150+ points and have to grind back up. They could of atleast added crimson Legend season 1 or something. The pennant is wack.

2400 shuffle last season with inflation equated to only 1900 in regular 3s I think the rewards were appropriate.