Leatherworking advice needed

I’m gonna rise a toon for farming during I watch series.
I mind about Mining and Skinning.

What top-10 leather creatures to farm? What amount of stacks do you get for an hour of farming?


You mean skinning, not leatherworking. Not sure what those are called in your localization, though.

Skinning is about obtaining leather or scale from dead animals. It’s a gathering profession.

Leatherworking is about making equipment from leather or scale.

I don’t have a great answer to your core question, though. My skinners have always just skinned what they killed while questing.

Oh, My bad. I meant Skinning.

You get basically the same amount of leather per kill, so your real goal here is to maximize the number of skins per hour.

Daily quests involving killing skinnable animals are particularly good for this. There are lots of people running around killing those animals so they respawn fast, but a lot of the players aren’t skinners so you can just run around scavenging corpses. There’s one in Draenor that’s particularly good for this that comes up every so often.

Or you can go in the opposite direction - look for areas that have a bunch of animals that nobody else needs to kill, so you have no competition. I like to level up low to medium skinning & leatherworking in southern Darkshore & northwest Ashenvale, killing bears, cats, stags & wolves. All the quests that used to require killing those animals got dropped in Cataclysm; same for the cooking recipes that used their meat. I have spent hours running in a big loop starting just south of Ameth’Aran going down to Maestra’s Post & back again without any competition. Even though the respawn rate isn’t real fast, you’re covering a large enough area that it isn’t an issue.

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many thanks

For medium leather, there’s a place in Wetlands Were Dragonkin spawn non-stop out of a portal. Just stand to the side and kill em as they come out.