<LeakyPwnz Weekly Pug MC>

LeakyPwnz Weekly Pug MC [FAERLINA]


Hello Faerlina players! This is the official advertisement for the weekly Molten Core pug we have been doing now for some time. I wanted to make an official post here on the forums to welcome all new and regulars interested in becoming apart of the weekly MC team! The group fills and clears MC every Sunday with invites starting at 6pm server time and inside clearing the raid by 7-7:30pm server time. Onyxia is thrown in the mix when the numbers are present which we hope this post can help provide more consistently! We currently run about half of the raid with the pug players that we gather every weekend and alt characters from our guilds core raid team.


Here at the pug we have experimented with different loot systems and the one we’ve chosen is the method that’s most praised by our members. We run the “Soft Reserve (Soft Res)” loot system. The soft res system is a system that involves players coming together and filling out a spreadsheet provided on our pug discord for what loot they desire in the raid. When you go into the spreadsheet what lies inside is a list of every item from every boss in the raid. Players are instructed to put their name down next to one item on the sheet. Throughout the raid; items that drop will have only the players who “soft reserved” that piece with their name roll for it as priority. The loot pieces that do not have names next to them are considered regular Mainspec Vs Offspec roll offs. The system has been adopted and praised for its ability to provide a better spread of the loot to ensure more people get loot in our runs. The spreadsheet also includes clearly labeled the few pieces in the raid that are hard reserved.

How To Join?:

Joining is easy and practical for every member interested in joining the pug. Listed below are the things we ask before reaching out to join the weekly pug along with resources provided to help guide prospects to where they need to be.

  • Pre-bis gearing for your class. https://www.wowclassicbis.com/ under the “pre raid-2” selection as Dire Maul is now in the game.

  • Gear near full enchanted. List for your class can be found at: https://www.icy-veins.com/wow-classic/class-guides

  • Consumables brought to the raid. List for your class can be found at: The same Icy-Veins link posted above under the Enchants bullet. This is particularly important for certain bosses in the raid please note that “Flasks” are not required as they can be expensive. The focus here is your proper every day consumables and your fire protection potions.

    The requirements we feel at this stage in the classic experience are very fair to ask for granted the importance of each requirement. The resources listed in the bullets have detailed and easy to follow guides to quickly access the information you need. Players coming to raid with all of the requirements met ensures an efficient quality raiding experience with little to no struggle in boss completion.

What Are We Looking For? + Contact:

At the time of this post we are welcoming all who can meet the requirements and are interested in joining us on Sunday for the weekly pug. No particular class or role is requested at this time, but we welcome all to inquire for there’s plenty of space every week and always have a need for players who come prepared.

If you feel you would be a good fit for our team please send an ingame direct message or mail to: “Leakysknife” or “Pwnz” for any further questions you may have and an invitation for our discord. We thank you all and hope to see you in the core!