Leaked release date

This sounds much more reasonable than the claim that Classic TBC will officially launch on that date, which is less than a month away. They aren’t going to shadowdrop the game on us, it’s not a smart move. They won’t shadowdrop pre-patch either. Ample announcement time will be given for these things.

They won’t want to launch 9.1 and TBC at the same time. 9.1 is already dramatically late, and no real sign of it coming out any time soon.

If 9.1 drops in August or September as is speculated. You either get TBC in October or November… or you get it in June/july

It’s fake, just look at the CoD season three bit at the bottom.

They dropped Naxx and Shadowlands within a week of each other

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A new raid =/= launch that will see both people who played classic, and a new wave of TBC players frantically taking days off to no life for a whole week.

One will see blizzard get a significant uptick of subs and player engagement. It’s super unlikely that anyone redubbed for Naxx that wasn’t already subbed.

Yea. And 9.1 isn’t a launch just like Naxx wasnt.

They released Shadowlands, an entire expansion, along with Naxx, a major content update.

Burning Crusade… is an expansion and 9.1… is a major content update

Good. We need it now. Even if there is only 2 weeks of pre patch, i am flippin ready!!

The content drought is so real rn it is painful.

Drop it on us Blizz!!!

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I don’t play retail so I can’t really speculate on that.

But I still believe Blizzard aren’t the type of company to shadowdrop major content patches or expansions. June 1st just sounds like wishful thinking at best.

I saw a screenshot that proved blizzard is putting a tracking device in the launcher that makes you kidnap babies for George Soros


I find it odd that everyone is complaining about the amount of play time during pre-patch, when pre-patch for TBC was not even a thing originally. We get what we get.

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Of course it was. It was released on December 5th, 2006, and then TBC launched a month later on January 17th, 2007.

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I think he means you didnt get belfs and draenei a month early. Just the talents and stuff

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Yes, exactly thanks

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Sure, but Blizzard have already expressed their intent to make those races available during the pre-patch period. Which they admitted that not making them available originally was an oversight.

Why anyone would be against this is beyond me.

Im on the fence but im not rolling a new race so im biased to just dropping tbc so we can get on with our god damn lives.


I don’t care if the BE’s and space goats don’t have time to level or w/e. Just open the dark portal lol. Don’t make everyone wait because some BE enthusiast wants to slowly level his disgusting prot pally.

Have not seen anyone mention it, but if the with the placeholder prepatch of May 18th and now the accidental June 1st release - they had a planned prepatch period only lasting 2 weeks.

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This is not confirmed.

ninja drop prepatch with a post “YOU ARE NOT PREPARED”. i’d do it.


yes it was, i remember the game launching in january and prepatch starting early/mid december, i didnt play vanilla and started a hunter during the prepatch, leveled to 60 and hit 60 on boxing day a couple weeks beore tbc dropped.