Leaders meeting at icecrown spoilers

And Tyrande says “Atrocities of your people!” so she clearly considers her to be a Horde Forsaken.


Yuck :face_vomiting:. No thanks.


Is there any actual penalty to posting one of these screenshots in general forums, assuming I mark it as spoilers? Kinda tempted to post the leader picture without comment (beyond flagging it as a spoiler).

Then pick a different covenant problem solved


Sheer willpower.

I believe most Night Elves are still rolling around gutters in Stormwind city.

Another thing about the scenario with the leaders. On alliance side it seems to be the only hostile colored leaders are Lor’themar and Rokhan, Calia has a neutral flag and Thalyssra and Vereesa are friendly. Then everyone on the alliance is friendly.

` https://twitter.com/TheRedShirtGuy/status/1276284741138997248

Does someone have a horde version of these nameplates?

Edit: Nvm he had a post about that too:

` https://twitter.com/TheRedShirtGuy/status/1276288173597999104

Only mekkatorque is neutral to the horde.


Why would you want to restrict yourself to exclusively use only one medium when you have the resources and staff (particularly big name authors) to branch out? As a storyteller, its leaving tools in your chest for no good reason.

Nothing is wrong with a multimedia style story. The problem in Warcrafts case is an over-reliance on supplementary stories, but as we’ve established your standard would preclude several major characters. Your standard would inadvertently preclude Thrall from ever becoming a major player in the setting, and who knows how that would shift things.

Characters are characters. How you introduce them should have no impact on their future inclusion or expansion. Just because they’re not introduced in your primary or sole source of lore in the setting doesn’t mean they should be forever excluded.

Hell, you don’t even have to read the book for the important deats. No one is saying you should. That’s why we have WoWpedia. That’s why you can ask people here for quotes. So this whole “I have to purchase a book and read” is really a strawman.


on horde side all the alliance leaders are Orange EXCEPT Gelbin who is marked neutral(most likely since he now rules Mechagon, who horde also helped)

All the horde leaders including Calia, are friendly



Unfortunately Ardenweald is the only one that holds my interest at the moment. Revendreth is nice but that’s for my BE.

If I can’t enjoy the second half of the story because I’m helping a former horde leader :face_vomiting: , at least I can look cute while doing it thanks to those new NE customizations that just dropped.


alot of the important stuff like the short stories on the burning are free too, its more laziness nowadays

I believe these typically just follow what reputations you have. Blood elves/trolls are initially hostile to all Alliance. Varessa has always been with Stormwind until recently. Thalyssra was an ally in Legion. Calia didn’t even really exist until recently so it makes sense shes neutral with no faction alliegence.




(Commentary): Sex sells. Why do you think there isn’t a single prominent Kul Tiran in the role of a protagonist and leader who doesn’t use the standard human model rather than the, ‘Oh Lawd He Comin,’ chungus model?


Yeah, I guess it makes sense that Valeera is friendly. I don’t know why Thalyssra is friendly when she was helping the horde throughout BfA until 8.2, she even invaded stormwind. Calia should really be more friendly than Thalyssra since she was alliance up until the end of the expansion when she went to help the forsaken.

Ah yeah, that could be it too except Calia is friendly to the horde.

She was like the first horde character to say the war was stupid.


She also volunteered to invade Stormwind after the burning of Teldrassil and worked hard for the horde under Sylvanas. It could just be because she is tied to the nightborne rep like Navitas said and you are friendly with them, since there aren’t any allied racial leaders on the alliance side. Calia hasn’t really tried to attack the alliance like Thalyssra did.


i dont think you know what a invasion is, it was a prisoner break out


Its one thing to flesh out these characters in another media and entirely another to put them at the helm when the die is cast.

When and where have these characters been as we have fought and bled on the frontlines? Why should we acknowledge them with respect when they appear like strangers in our mists?

It is nothing but poor planning and a lack of innovation in breeding leaders that accurately represent an otherwise strangled and neglected Horde.


“an unwelcome intrusion into another’s domain.” It was to go in there, kill a bunch of people and free prisoners with an armed force in order to help wipe out the alliance, which was the end game she was working for until the horde was losing at the end of 8.1, that was when Thalyssra thought about switching her allegiance.