Leaders meeting at icecrown spoilers

Thats acutally really cool


Given the line up Horde-side, itā€™s pretty safe to assume Thrall probably got kidnapped as well.

Either that or he already went back to being a deadbeat dad. It truly is surreal to see Lorā€™themar as the official speaker for the entire Horde. How we have fallen.


After seeing a playthrough, we end up rescuing Jaina, Anduin and Baine but leave Tyrande behind.

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Whitemane would be literally as out of nowhere as Calia if not tenfold considering we killed her dozens of times in Scarlet Monastery.

Is Caliaā€™s existence in supplementary book materials disqualifying from her appearing in the RPG in some form? Like, should any character introduced in materials outside an RPG be excluded from that RPG?

thrall is there, and he throws his weapon

(Speculative): Feels more like she leaves us behind. Girl can take care of herself.


I see, played right into Sylvanasā€™s trap then.

Doesnā€™t look like it when you know what happens to herā€¦

Ah well, itā€™s over anyway. Itā€™s so tiringā€¦

I just noticed him fighting Helya. Is that in the Shadowlands proper or atop ICC? Canā€™t really tellā€¦

Is that Jaina heā€™s with?


its in the shadowlands i believe, he laments losing his weapon

and yes jaina is in the group

also thank you for the headpats!

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Did Aggra die? Iā€™m watching someone play through it and it seems like Jaina and Thrall are joined at the hip throughout this.

i dont know if aggra died, but she doesnt seem to be in the group. the group is anduin, thrall, jaina, the player, and eventually baine

Even if it did, it would be really weird for Thrall and Jaina to be shipped so soon as a result.

I think their dialogue indicates that their fire forged friendship has simply recovered.


Huh. So Thrall and Baine are likely going to be the Horde reps while Alliance get Anduin and Jaina while Tyrande is off on her vengeance binge.

Hopefully those four can get their acts together while in there. Shame about the double human line-up thoughā€¦


I donā€™t want to follow Anduin in his path of forgiving Sylvanas.
Iā€™d rather follow Tyrande and die with her once it happens.

Why do they make us rescue Anduin and Baine but not Tyrande, itā€™s so unfairā€¦ :sleeping:


Iā€™m confused, is that Sylvanas standing against Helya with Jaina/Thrall?

Ah, I wasnā€™t sure if it was like a ā€œOh aggra died so Iā€™ll go to sl and find I canā€™t bring her back then get with Jainaā€ kind of thing, so they kill her off so they can go with the ship the current writers want since this tweet popped up on my TL coincidentally today (The lady heā€™s responding to is the one who is writing the new book)

ā€™ https://twitter.com/TerranGregory/status/1276233532562501632

Yeah, that could be too. I hope so.

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Is it really supplementary material at this point though? I thought supplementary material was stuff like the very original comics, like the stuff exploring the Scarlet Crusade and other factions. What we have are books containing significant plot points for the current story going forward. Basically, Lore DLC.

And, to answer your question, sure if theyā€™re going to do important things with her. Leave the important roles to the actual in-game characters. If they want to do things like the goblin / gnome couple, thatā€™s fine. But donā€™t do this crap with major characters.


Yes!! Iā€™d rather die next to her then waste my time saving someone who forgave and even venerated the people who caused the genocide of the NEā€™s!


Even if my character gets deleted by that. Iā€™d rather rp myself dying fighting for my people than forgiving and making peace with Sylvanas who killed all of them and sent them to hellā€¦