Leaders meeting at icecrown spoilers

Calia has no problem hiding in Southshore doing nothing while her kingdom fell all around her. Stepping up to the plate when it’s convenient for her makes her a pretty poor leader and example. This is the same woman who broke the rules of the meeting at Arathi. I don’t think she’s very bright.


I would really question the truth in that, since voss isnt here and all the other leaders are here.

Calia existed way before Wrath as the unimportant Menethil character. All the book Arthas did was give her some more detail, and then Legion actually brought her back in full.

And you’re not going to get me to accept that “doing nothing for years” is a valid reason to dislike her when the moment she does do something, she gets killed for it by the precise person you’d expect.

In a reductionist way, it kinda is. In a reductionist way.


What do you expect she could do at that point? Step out and paint a target on her back for the Forsaken or Scourge to target her? Again, literally the minute she stepped out of anonymity, she gets shot dead by Sylvanas. Being an heir to a dead kingdom means squat when you don’t have any leverage.


GO :clap: OFF :clap: TYRANDE!!! Put Lor’themar in his place! And she snapped at Calia too!:rofl::rofl:

As much as I am loving this ferocious version of the High Priestess I do have some issues with the Night Warrior narrative. Was it impossible to write a story for Tyrande were she gets this power and isn’t consumed by it? Did they have to depict this in such as way that the power may be driving her over the edge? This wasn’t necessary and if in being honest I’ve had concerns about that since she said that she was going to “sait the Night Warrior’s vengeance” back in 8.1. This isn’t fair and I really hope we don’t lose Tyrande. What is with fantasy writers giving women power ups only to have them go nuts because of it, it’s like Jean Gray all over again.

Lastly. So Sylvanas kidnapped Anduin huh? Can she keep him? Pretty please, with Nordassil cherries on top. :bowing_woman:


Then where’s Calia in Orgrimmar? When has she interacted with the Forsaken outside of BtS? Who represents them in game in Orgrimmar currently? Who goes on record and states that she’s leading until she can pawn off the responsibility?

Come on Kat, use that brain. Calia is around because they want an Arthas reunion moment.


Did you want the Night Warrior power to have zero drawbacks and zero danger to it? Like, just make it something that anyone would use and not shelf it for a extinction level danger event?

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read the arendweld covenant spoilers doesnt seem the night warrior is gonna off her

Calia didn’t simply reveal herself and was shot dead because of it. She attempted a coup and commanded the Forsaken to go to the Alliance resulting in her death. Sylvanas was playing by the rules up to that point. It was Calia who first broke the agreement, which like said - doesn’t make her very bright or well versed in foreign affairs.


She spoke to ONE Forsaken in an attempt to get her to go with her back to her side. That ain’t a coup. Edit: That’s people smuggling or solicitation of defection at worst, and not any sort of defection that impacts military affairs either.

And do you honestly believe Sylvanas wouldn’t kill Calia at the first chance an heir with a claim to her kingdom showed up?


I’m just praying that we see an amazing cinematic of everyone fighting to reach icecrown together, kinda like broken shore!

My heart breaks into pieces for Tyrande, she has been my favorite since the moment i played this game but i’m down with her a 100%! If she dies, it will be my last xpac but i will see her story through out of respect for her. <3


same tbh but for me it depends on he she dies if I leave or not, I really hope she doesnt.


(Commentary): Unit Exacitor wishes to have a moment of silence for the Horde’s identity which has finally and truly died; in this one screenshot the Horde is represented by 3 elves, an (undead) human, and a single troll. Rokhan, our token original Horde archetype. I hope he at least gets a line and isn’t just quiet while the real leaders and masters of the Horde do all the talking.


Honestly I don’t care.

This is VERY simple. I experience WoW’s story through what my character does. I do not read the books. If they want to make me like or care about a character, then that character has to interact with mine.

Calia does none of that. From my perspective, she’s poofed out of thin air, and takes up the space that better characters like Belmont, Velonara, or even Koltria or MAYBE Death Knight Whitemane could have occupied.

Why even make a character like Calia in a game that’s at least on paper supposed to be an RPG? If I want to be entertained by a fantasy story that I don’t have a PC in, I’ll go read an actually well written series.


we see helya


(Commentary): Allow Unit Exacitor to project those for you.


can you get these too?


if sylvanas was still horde it would have been four elves

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(Statement): Task completed.


The Horde has certainly come a long way considering the only people left to represent them now is Baine, Lor’themar and some girl named Calia. It’s pretty surreal to look back on to be honest.