Leaders meeting at icecrown spoilers

Lotar ogar? More like victory or retreat


Tyrande has my full permission to knock Calia’s head off with her glaive. That might be the one thing that could convince me to like Tyranded.


Litch king always staying in citadel and Torgast be above might mean that the crawn creates a connection to Shadowlands and the ??? of domination. Now the road is open and the crown is obsolete.

Sloot is doing the intro experience now btw on his twitch stream.

I mean, Calia has more grounds to that then you might think considering that…

  1. She revealed herself to her people to try and help them as soon as she was in a good position to do so.

  2. Doing so costed her life, validating not coming forth sooner while Sylvanas was in charge.

I mean, Calia urging Tyrande to be with her people seems like it should be the least controversial thing ever.

“Your people need you!”



Counterpoint - Calia literally never interacts with any Forsaken players, unless you’re a priest in legion.


the forsaken player isnt the forsaken

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Because doing so in the open would mean being droned by Sylvanas. As that was what happened when she did so outside a Priest hall context.

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It doesn’t mater if you like Bane. You must rescue him becouse noone can mess with a Horde chieftain and stay unpanished.

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Magatha is still alive and well. She’s actually the only Vanilla era villain to survive this long. Garrosh also had a pretty good run, all things considered.


I think the point is less Calia saying “you need to care about your people”, and more the fact that Calia ran off to play house while things went bad in Lordaeron, then stayed in hiding for… what, a decade or so, without ever reaching out to the people of Lordaeron, living or dead.


I think your missing his point, his point is that she did that and regrets it

otherwords dont abandoning your people and family when they need you, for selfish reasons.


This thread is going to go much smoother if we all collectively ignore Katiera.




Yes, Calia went into hiding after her kingdom disintegrated in a literal undead apocalypse, caused by her brother, while her people became mindless zombies that killed all living on sight, and she only realized they weren’t truly mindless by the time she encountered an old friend, which would’ve happened around the time that Sylvanas already formed the Forsaken and would’ve droned Calia as soon as the rightful heir to Lordaeron reared their head.

Calia regretting her inaction to the Forsaken aside, her reluctance to step out into the open and be more proactive was proven to be the right call when Sylvanas assassinates her within minutes of realizing that she is indeed alive and present in striking range.


I perfect understand that, but I think tyrande is perfectly right to hate on her, mostly cause the forsaken are baddies thats my position, but your 100% right and knowing the other spoilers that is gonna be tyrande story that is is missing the bigger picture in her blind revenege

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I mean, I get that Tyrande has a visceral reaction to undead and I understand its entirely IC at this point, but I believe her lashing out at Calia is misplaced given Calia had no hand in said grievances and is offering the most banal and uncontroversial word of advice.


Still an awful character. She was written in a book at the end of wrath and not brought out into the open until Legion as a follower. All of her BfA story is Alliance side only. As such, my character has no interaction with her whatsoever (though technically i did bench the rogue and never finished any of the war campaign stuff anyway, so…). You’re not going to get me to respect a leader who just waltzes in and says she’s super sorry she didn’t do anything for years, but is now doing things because a wind chime says so and that she;s the leader now. That’s Calia’s plot.


I’ve actually been debating if I want to bring this rogue into SL because it’s the one I’ve done all my questing on over the years, and SL says quest interactions may matter. But Calia makes a REALLY good argument for rerolling to an allied race, just to have an actually respectable faction and leader.


Sure but calia, is still helping a people who genocided tyrandes people. Thats probably where the hate is coming from, cause the other undead, bolvar and darion they didnt side with sylvanas or anything like that.

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Yeah, that’s all fine and good and would be reasonable if aimed at say… Lillian Voss, who actually leads the Forsaken at the moment.

Calia is not Forsaken. She never has been (and hopefully never will). If anything, Tyrande just comes off as more unhinged here if GENN of all people has to talk her down from pissing at Lor’themar.