Leaders meeting at icecrown spoilers

jaina and anduin

to finally kill villain sue


Also, Tyrande lashing out at Calia seems very uncool. Calia had as much to do with the Forsaken’s actions against the Night Elves as Darion Mograine there.


But it comes at the price of bringing back the other three. Is Azeroth really ready to pay such a price?


She is undead and is nice nice to the forsaken

yeah sylvanas is way worse I rather have 100 anduins

i guess calia is there representing forsaken? i guess?


And only using the Scourge for kidnapping while unleashing it fully without restraint I might add.

The Crown of the Lich King is supposed to be the crown of the Jailer presumably so Sylvanas the herald of the Jailer would naturally not wear it but instead break it and take it’s role in commanding the Scourge in the name of the true King of the Damned.

Careful now - the SL apparently bends time, reality, and physics. One wrong move and you may wind up with 50 Jaina’s 200 Anduins and 1000 Baines. Or some sort of weird chimera hydra consisting of all three.

It’s really best to just let things be.


Yeah Blizz I fail to see how any of this is my problem.


kill it with fire!


yeah and all that is better than sylvanas, the fact that it is looking that calia is gonna be the leader of the forsaken is the biggest bonus ever, maybe the alliance will start the next war if forsaken actually change

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Quick! Someone call up the Full Metal Alchemist! Or that one Ishvalen dude with a deconstructing tattoo on his arm!

…Oh, wait, wrong setting.


added a screenshot of anduin chained up in front sylvanas to the op


also for the people with short term memories, remember that there must always be a lich king? Thats the other main reason we are going to the shadowlands, cause the zombies are killing everyone so we probably have to fix the helm to bring that under control.

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My word, Baine gets captured and rescued more often than all the Disney Princesses combined.


Nah, you’re not only getting Anduin back but helping him get hooked up with Taelia. You’re stuck with him and his offspring forever. Oh, and making Tyrande give up her edginess and such because vengeance bad. She’ll probably be the flower girl at the wedding.

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sounds good to me, no alliance civil war dumb stuff, tyrande doesnt become sylvanas 2.0 sounds good, pretty good idea you got there. :+1:

Jaina mentions having broken free many times. Seems a sign that time does indeed progress differently in the Shadowlands. Though the indication would thus far be that at this point it progresses slower… assuming that its fixed.

We might be getting into a Dark Souls style situation where “the flow of time is convoluted”.


That’s an insult to Disney Princesses. They at least have their own agendas and motives. Heck, even Princess Peach is more competent than Baine.

Seriously, who thinks this is an actually good idea? Rescue him a 2nd time, so he can run off and hide from Sylvanas a second time? All he even did as not-warchief was get humiliated by Kiro. Rescuing Baine isn’t motivating in the slightest.

I’m increasingly of the opinion that the SL story will be best enjoyed by playing with addons like Be Quiet and other quest / dialogue suppression tools fully enabled.


Who is Calia to tell Tyrande that she needs to be there for her people?

Just change the horde warcry to: “For the hypocrisy!”