Leaders meeting at icecrown spoilers

This is incorrect, as Poised point out.

Malfurion ordered the evacuation to start and had portals opened to Stormwind the moment he got word that the Horde was spotted in Ashenvale. In fact, much of Saurfang’s strategy relied upon the Night Elves evacuating to Stormwind so that Tyrande would be forced to stay in Stormwind and help organize the refugees so that she couldn’t come back to fight the Horde, or else the Horde would have needed twelve-to-one soldiers against the Night Elves if both Tyrande and Malfurion were there instead of the eight-to-one the Horde brought to fight with just Malfurion supporting the Night Elf civilians.


Tyrande’s characterization gets yanked around a lot - her brashness since WCIII gets tossed around a lot, but at the same time she’s apparently a shoe-in when the story needs her to be a major organizer and diplomat… until those characterizations get tossed out because apparently the only way for the story to show Tyrande is angry is to have her throw a fit in exactly the manner of a three-year-old.

Serene ancient wisdom or petulant nonsensical tantrums - apparently they’re the only two settings Tyrande is allowed to have.


Thing is, if handled well, it’s actually an interesting juxtaposition. Ancient wisdom, coupled with moody capriciousness, describes pretty much every Elven deity and Archfey in some DnD settings, for example.

But, as I said. If handled well.


From Elegy:

“Anduin recognized the seal. This was from Malfurion Stormrage. Tyrande’s eyes widened as she read, and her mouth set in a grim line. Despite the nature of the discussions held in the map room, Anduin had been enjoying her visit. Now, though, as if watching a transformation subtler but every bit as significant as that of Genn turning into his worgen form, he beheld the change in the kaldorei leader from priestess to warrior.”

Tyrande has always been able to harness both sides of what a Priestess of the Moon is supposed to be. The gentle loving and caring priestess and the fierce warrior that’s ready to jump into battle.

The real problem is the inabillity from Blizzard to write for her.


There is a third, which Knaak showed when she was a young caring priestess in the War of the Ancient novels.


I guess my point is that, when the writers want to express that “fierce warrior” side, they do so by making her froth at the mouth, whine like a child, and be completely ineffective.

Definitely something to be proud of and emulate, right?

(And then any criticisms get deflected with “Oh, but she was rash in WCIII too!” though I feel like at least there she got stuff done. However, I have only read about WCIII’s story, so I can’t really say one way or another how consistently rash or wise she was.)

I like this duality of nature for the night elves: that they can be ancient and serene caretakers, but also the screaming “perfect warriors” whose ferocity was charming to even orcs - and not just as separate characters embodying each trope, but that a single night elf can switch between the two mindsets as naturally as breathing.

I’m just annoyed that the main figure who shows off this duality, Tyrande, (though Malf got a pretty neat angry side in the Terror of Darkshore) exemplifies that ‘fierce’ side by… losing 50 points of IQ, screeching, and stomping around like a child.

Perhaps this irrational anger and targetting of Calia is meant to show how the rage of the Dark Moon is growing beyond control… but there’s no lead-in. Just as Nathanos’ scenario was probably meant to show how the Jailer’s power was growing but forgot to lampshade it, this scenario can easily be read as “nothing out of the ordinary, Tyrande’s being her stupid emotional self again”, and that is not a good presentation. I had hoped the writers saw her presentation in “A Little Patience” as something to be fixed, but it seems they’ve doubled down on the whiny and inane side of it, as if that was what made someone ‘fierce’.


Neither do I. But she seems to have some kind of bone to pick with him. Maybe he reminds her of Arthus? Or he triggers her the same way Delaryn did?

In WCIII she’s confident because she’s also competent, in WoW she comes across as arrogant because she doesn’t follow through and her berserk demeanor does her and the race a disservice. Tyrande’s really good at putting aside her positive emotions and doing what has to be done but not so much her negative emotions, it seems.

I think it’s supposed to be the same attitude from the RTS but it just doesn’t work and makes her look like an absolute schizophrenic fool. This has always been more to prop up the narrative and other characters, though.

Just pick a lane.


:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

Come on people, Sylvanas “feelings” are but irrelevant. You have to see “underneath the underneath” A.K.A. at the writers. And when one does that, the answer is plain visible: same reason for all the stupid stuff Sylvanas did in BfA: to show Sylvanas is “EVUL” -I mean, she´s basically hitting harder the two pet characters of Golden that are used to educate her brat, so…-, and to try and fail in “making us hate her and want to kill her”.

200% incompetence as usual Afriasiabi et al, if anything THIS (her removing from the story 4 of the most disgusting and gross self inserts that are the very cancer of the narrative in this game) put her back again on my good graces (and the good graces of a LOT of posters and players).


Replace Calia not Valeera. Valeera does make sense in the Horde more than she does make sense being neutral.

Mmmm no I disagree, Valeera is serving Anduin and she never considered Horde to be her faction.

Mayla and Eitrigg would be preferable replacements.


Honestly, it makes sense that Valeera is standing with the Horde, I can’t imagine her to like Tyrande.

She might join the Horde if Anduin dies.

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She might but she might not. I know that I don’t want to see Anduin’s “Sword holder” among the Horde. She is not trust worthy and she is stealing the spotlight from actual Horde members, so to me she can sod off.


Maybe not steal spotlight from other characters as you say but she could become something similar to Rexxar on the Horde side.

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Its called being a female character in a power-fantasy setting designed by dudebros.


Replace both, cause both are a moronic sight. Valeera is the personal private bodyguard of the Alliance Supreme Leader and Calia is Alliance in everything (character development AND flavor).

Sure boy, specially when she´s close friends with Jaina and Broll and so on…

Man, the devs are such a-holes putting ridiculously obvious Alliance characters and pretending we don´t know how to read and that we Hordies are just too ignorant and stupid as to buy their BS excuses while they label them as “Horde” in the first place…

Don´t you dare to freaking compare that fanservice airhead with Rexxar…


Jaina doesn’t even know who she is, also didn’t Jaina try to kill Valeera on the 7th legion ship?

An Alliance character wouldn’t be standing with the Horde and ready to attack other Alliance members. She literally took out her daggers to attack the Alliance. Can’t get any more Horde than that.

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Someone hasn´t even read the comics that literally introduced Valeera as a character in WoW´s universe.

How about you check the lore before trying to correct people, hmm?


I wouldn’t be surprised if it was all retconned because as far as the ingame cinematic goes, Jaina doesn’t know who Valeera is and would have struck her down if Mathias Shaw didn’t intervene.

Maybe you should check the cinematic ingame, Hmm?


Thing is man, the bolded part has NEVER happened; ergo, you´re wrong.

Stop fighting me on the issue, go REALLY check Valeera´s background and after come back to tell us she´s such a HORDIE…