Leaders meeting at icecrown spoilers

Cause these are the characters the playerbase cares about and it’s not like they are super front in center in the actual shadowlands content

To be fair, she also called Lor’themar on his cowardice, first.

And if Calia is going to put herself into a position where she claims the Forsaken as her people, and perhaps even represents them in some capacity, then at some point, she’s going to have to square with the things the Forsaken have done.

(Or, at least she would in a realistic narrative, instead of the usual “Horde lays its sins at the feet of a scapegoat. Horde dodges the consequences of its actions.”)



found by a friend, odd that genn doesnt jump at the opportunity to kill sylvanas as he usually does

Anduin did entrust Stormwind to Greymane. Genn is probably putting his responsibilities ahead of getting Sylvanas. Rushing after Sylvanas, while understandable from a personal point of view, is probably not the right choice when he was entrusted the Alliance’s most powerful nation.

That, and I can’t help but feel like Genn Greymane thinks he would 100% die. He barely survived Stormheim, and Sylvanas is way stronger now. Vengeance not tempered by restraint will just get him killed, and Greymane isn’t a fool.

I can’t help but feel like Greymane is now the most politically powerful leader in the Alliance with the absence of Anduin, Jaina and Tyrande.


i thought it was entrusted to turalyon

Turalyon was entrusted with the army, Greymane was trusted with the city. He’s the one on the Throne, from what I recall from datamined stuff.

Greymane thinks Turalyon could run Stormwind but Mathias tells him that a King should rule a city, not a commander.


I’m not going to delve into spoilers for that game but I’m absolutely flabbergasted you could take away something so off base and wrong from that story.

It just works.

Trust level 3

FFS Rokhan’s still in random greens, COME ON BLIZZARD.


OMG, the woman made the most CONSTRUCTIVE service of all!! Took like 3 self inserts in one go!!

Official petition to make Sylvie both the nunuWarchief AND the Alliance Empress. This woman´s competence is outstanding!!

Quoted for truth. A truly weird day in life when I´m voching for the character I used to despise and start to dislike the character I used to favor.

Silly Ximothy, cause the idea is to tell us filthy players how IMPORTANT AND CRUCIAL these clowns are for the narrative.

Wanna know what´s the common denominator between ALL of them kidnapped clowns? Easy: writer´s self inserts (heck, 3 alone are Golden´s pets and Thrall is probably a nod to Metzen). This is like Cata but with steroids…


He transmogs his gear to confuse his enemies.


Which raises the council who be the leaders with these leaders MIA. According to data-mining Anduin appointed Turalyon to lead in his absence but the others don’t have a confirmed regent. At the very least the Night Elves will have Malfurion since he and Tyrande co lead.

I’m guessing Jaina’s brother Tandred or her mother will lead Kul’Tiras. Hamuul for the Tauren, unless they have Mayla represent the high mountain and regular Tauren, and while I would prefer Nazgrel I see them making Eitrigg stand in for Thrall.

Anduin is the high king, so there’s more importance in naming an interim leader.

Yea what the hell is that? At least he has a superb VA

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Thank you, Withpuppys. I’ll save this as a new desktop background. All thats missing is Saurfang.

Its eye rolling to see Horde and Alliance together like this, my stomach turns just seeing Tyrande call the Forsaken “Calia’s people”, and no idea how one becomes linked to a shattered helm but whatever I guess.


you’re welcome!

I’ve heard talk of a potential time skip after shadowlands? If that’s the case then it makes sense that the short lived races are the ones to go the shadowlands. Otherwise they might have died of natural causes by the time we got back.

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Ah, right, that reminds me.


yay! thanks for the pats