Leaders meeting at icecrown spoilers

By the way, Calia and Bolvar are in the same location. I bring this up cause Calia/Bolvar theories are a thing, as well as the idea that Taelia is their child.

That was my first thought.

She might be a boss in Torghast, tho.

Aww now I want this too. They parted on bad terms. Man that’d be a cool moment for Thrall.

I feel like they meant Delaryn? Might be giving the benefit of the doubt.

Well, she does still love Quel’thalas. It doesn’t surprise me that, without Anduin, she’d prefer the Horde.

It’s not the first time she hung out with the Horde over the Alliance, she’s was on the Horde’s gunship at the end of Legion, not the Alliance’s, and was in Orgrimmar during the forming of the Council.

Valeera might prefer Horde but just has personal friendship with Anduin. Horde players interact with her more than Alliance players do, outside of neutral quests.

Falstad also has the title of High Thane, so I think it’s just a dwarf subrace thing.

Bronzebeards count for more than just Clan Bronzebeard. There’s Clan Stormpike, for example.


Well I’m here playing 52 pickup trying to make sense of it all.

…and nothing of value was lost.

Thanks, Sylvie!


That makes sense, thanks for explaining.

Loken wasn’t under Yogg-Saron’s control then but working for himself to avoid having his crime of murdering Sif exposed to the Pantheon.

Once he sealed away Odyn, put most of the Keepers in complacency, acquired the position of Prime Designate(which Odyn left vacant when he created the Halls of Valor) and arranged Tyr’s death as well as Archaedas’s banishment the Old Gods had to put him in a state of complacency since they couldn’t control him.

Odyn described Helya as having fought him when he went to get rid of her only for her to draw on the Shadowlands and get pulled in and twisted into a mockery of herself.

Odyn also claims that Helya begged him to turn her into the first Valkyr yet all other sources including the Dungeon Journal make it clear that she became a Valkyr against her will. She was probably already Mawsworn when he turned her into a Valkyr against her will(she was probably ranting and raving the whole time)…

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I wonder why Sylvanas seemed to have taken Thrall, Baine, Jaina and Anduin in particular, since it reads like she was responsible for their kidnapping.

Is it personal, or did she just think taking those four would cause problems for those factions?

If it was purely personal, I would’ve thought Calia would be up there too, though maybe she was still hidden when the kidnapping happened. Otherwise, Genn wasn’t taken either. While she might not care about Gilneas, he did smash her lantern in Legion, so there’s still some personal conflict there.


Odyn likes to paint himself as being better than he actually is and in this instance I’m trusting Chronicle Volume 1 over the word of a pompous dick.


Watch out, they might be looking to hire you now.

Y’know, somehow I thought that after BfA anything would be better.

Oh how I was wrong.

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It was nauseating read.

And my goodness, the only authentic Horde representative doesn’t say anything despite his previous chieftain being involved with Shadowlands.
Poor Rokhan looks like diversity hire between elves and human.

The Thrall/Jaina interactions, Jaina being literal god on the field again, Calia getting at the forefront and having more and more presence. And Super generic handling of this threat.

It’s really repeated experience from WoD and from Legion.

I’m very disappoting but not really surprised.


Watching the video, Valeera draws her blades and faces the Alliance when they nearly come to blows.

I think Blizzard is pushing Horde!Valeera, regardless of her friendship with Anduin.

I just don’t get why she’s there at all. Wouldn’t some one like Talanji or Lilian Voss fit better?

I feel that Lor’themar is a very Horde leader. He’s a fighter at heart, does what he thinks needs to be done, and values honour. I don’t get why people don’t consider him ‘authentic’.


I meant with the “original Horde feel”

I think it’s incredibly sad that what remains of the tribal, monstrous faction is 3 elves, human and just token troll character for a reminder “oh right this is supposed to be a Horde side”.

I’d replace Calia with Voss, Put Eitrigg there, and replace Valeera with Gazlowe or some other goblin.

Calia and Valeera shouldn’t be at the Horde side. Both are strongly associated with Alliance.


I would at least replace Valeera with Talanji. Talanji commands a sizable faction within the Horde, where’s Valeera… doesn’t.

Maybe Valeera is Horde, who knows, she’s probably a Quel’thalas citizen, so Horde by proxy, but that’s neither here nor there, she’s not a leader and shouldn’t be at a leader summit.

Maybe Mayla too. Baine’s missing, so she could represent both tauren.


Not within but outside the Horde. Zandali are allied to Horde not exactly it’s part.

I’d like to see Talanji and Rokhan interact once more, but from what I understood Talanji was upset with the Horde and is still quite mad at Alliance so I don’t think she would be this cooperative.

Her allegiations are with Wrynn Family so she is Alliance by proxy.

That is a very good point. Mayla should be there.

Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait…


So after killing off all the Orc heroes save for one, they then have the last prominent recognizable orc get captured at the beginning of the expansion, so the Orcs don’t have anyone sitting on their chair for the expansion?


This is tragic indeed, at least they could’ve pull Eitrigg.


You know you are going to the shadowlands in the xpac so that prominent recognizable orc is a part of the next xpacs story

cause I dunno if you know this but we arent really gonna have stories about azeorth in shadowlands, cause the PC is in shadowlands weird huh its almost like they do that in every xpac

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What I noticed: I like how Tyrande screams at calia out of any Horde character.

She had nothing to do with Teldrassil at all.

She has nothing to do with the Horde, much less Forsaken either.


It feels so much like “safe” writing to constantly stick with the same characters expansion after expansion… So many of these supposed representatives have been appearing repeatedly as central in Legion and BfA.