Leaders meeting at icecrown spoilers

Not if we’re talking Greek.

Then it has heads for days.

So Blizzard ran out of important Horde characters and dumpstered Alliance adjacent ones to fill in leadership positions.


The lore is looking worse and worse.


Also let us never forget how Varian was going to do the same thing but was stopped by Anduin when he explain the reason they should engage in open war in that area BUT Varian failed to explain that to Tyrande.
So in the end it was just Varian being a Hypocrit.


Well whether they ‘needed’ them or not they chose to remain with Sylvannas and evidently aren’t happy with Tyrande and/or the Nelves in general and are having issues after Sylvannas left. So Lillian and Calia are trying to help them adjust to their new state of being even if Nelf fans don’t like it. That is the story Blizz chose to tell so it will be.

And that’s why I chose to not see them as friends or night elves. They are just undead traitors.


Yep, even after Tyrande was trying to help them, they went on to try to wipe out the remaining living night elves. The undead night elves are pretty evil for no real reason.


Hm starting to speculate if the argus death caused the souls the burning legion collected to go into the shadowlands and then that caused all souls to go there automatically. Even the legions remnants of souls. but idk. maybe that is why jin jin isnt in the maw.

Well your like or dislike of them isn’t the point. This is the story Blizz chose to tell and both Lillian and Calia are part of it trying to help them adjust.

Male panda in skimpy xmog.

DARTH WRITER: I am altering the lore, pray I don’t alter it any further.

Why play shadowlands at this point lol, your only debasing yourself by giving money to blizzard lol

Mythic raiding and other endgame PvE.

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nice ilvl then bro

Sure is. Probably because this isn’t the toon I raid on.

If she wants to lead the Forsaken, she better take responsibility for their actions.


Eh, fair enough, I suppose. But it’s akin to blaming the actions of a previous administration on a current one (who happens to be very pro-you, and in fact was a close associate with one of the executives on your side).

Perhaps understandable given the circumstances, but hardly constructive.

We shouldn’t try to read between the lines. Blizzard wants to paint Tyrande as wrong as possible so there’s no way to sugarcoat it.


Being mean isnt wrong, do I have to list all the characters that are mean and never became villains for you

I am still waiting on genn being a villain people keep saying it for a while now, and he hasnt

Tsk, the ****storm always happens after I go to work.

Bolvar Fordring looks freaking Awesome even without the Crown.

I can’t help but feel that Sylvanas wants to personally break Anduin, though I don’t why such a thing would be personal for her.

I read the books and I agree with you. I would rather Belmont or Velonara lead the Forsaken instead of Calia.

That’s neat. I wonder if she’ll be a world boss for the Maw or a boss in the Jailer raid.

That was my interpretation of things as well.

There’s nothing to suggest that Aggra died, this is simply them reuniting their friendship on the battlefield.

If Thrall and Baine are the Horde reps then we better get to interact with Cairne again. I would love to see that reunion, especially considering how Thrall and Cairne parted.

Sira is with Sylvanas and I suspect will die in the upcoming Shadows Rising novel.

Apparently with Anduin out of the picture she decided to chill with the Horde… Though I fail to understand why Blizz couldn’t have used someone like Belmont or even Gordul, the official Chieftain of the Shattered Hand clan within the Horde per a rogue quest.

She was against Odyn for turning her into a Val’kyr against her will but lacked the means to do anything about until Loken was able to help free her from Odyn. Oddly enough he then left her alone to do her own thing, while he imprisoned other Keepers.

I did not notice this and now I’m wondering if Moira and Falstad were among those taken to the Maw.