Leaders meeting at icecrown spoilers

Oh there is no question it might make for a better story. But I’m looking at with more concern. There is a pretty big chance Tyrande is going to do something stupid.

Except Calia didnt do anything(as far as we know). If it was any other forsaken Tyrande would be right to lash out.

Blizzard has never been subtle about who they villain bat. The more Tyrande acts like this the more likely she will end up taking that plunge.

(Commentary): I have. You’d think character growth would’ve happened at some point between now and then what with all the wars, her marriage, joining the Alliance, and the genocide of her people and what not.

what growth, she hasnt done anything till now SHe hardly had a story till now in WoW

(Commentary): I mean, there’s always, ‘A Little Patience,’ or her presence in Val’sharah, or Suramar.


one quest isnt enough to get rid of her 10000 years of habits, specially since the person who GENOCIDED her people is still at large

Going after the person who personally ordered the immolation of your people so that their souls could fuel an evil god, while you yourself have the power to possibly get revenge and stop her from doing something worse isn’t exactly the action of a hothead.

Plus, Tyrande has done the not hotheaded thing… twice now, in the last few expansions? And has been punished for it both times.


(Commentary): I think it’d be interesting character development if the power of the Night Warrior forced her to embrace parts of herself she hadn’t needed to rely upon before to cope with it. Finding an inner sense of serenity, or tempering her brashness and fury into cold calculating hatred that’s more controllable, would be great examples. I’d find a calm Tyrande infinitely more unnerving than one lashing out at anything that breathes in her direction too loudly.


(Query): When?

only if you ignore the rest of the story like you are

I disagree we dont need every alliance leader to be anduin

(Commentary): I never said she needed to be peaceful. As I did say, I find the idea of a perfectly calm Tyrande in a conflict to be absolutely terrifying. Imagine she’s walking up to you, bow in hand, knocking the arrow, no sign of fury or hatred on her face or in her tone or ever her body language; just a condemnation from the Goddess herself, and she’s there to execute it.


In the context of the story it’s still the not hotheaded thing, but you seem to enjoy letting the writers beat you over the head with framing over and over again.

Legion, when she chose to go after Ysera and not Malfurion, thus saving Val’sharah. That was the not-hotheaded action, but at the same time it could very well have been the end of Malfurion.

Pre-patch, when she chose to return to Stormwind to lead her people who were refugees there, instead of going to Teldrassil to fight or try and resist the occupation. With the bulk of her people in Stormwind, in a foreign land, returning to them was the more logical thing to do. “Your people need you!” And she was immediately punished for that with the Burning.


A little patience was bad for many other reasons than just her being impatient, including her not being able to command her own troops and having to learn from Varian, and then admitting she would have thrown her troops lives away and saying he would be a better fit to lead the troops because he knows orcs will just walk into traps over and over until they are all dead. Here it’s much different as she is only risking herself, and it’s not like any kind of military combat where she can’t lead her own troops because a human needs to look good.

A measured response like that would be nice for other characters who haven’t been suffering as much as her, but when a forsaken is try to tell her anything is beyond the pale. We also don’t know how much the night warrior’s “power” is effecting her on top of her still having to be around the horde who committed genocide against her people which would obviously be even more infuriating.

Maybe the night warrior’s power only makes people angry, because so far it seems to have been completely useless, I’m still waiting on a demonstration of it being powerful. But hopefully we get an actual demonstration of its power and what it has been doing to her.

Edit: This is also after making peace with the horde the end of SoO, only to be shown to be foolish for ever trusting the horde or believing they could change in WoT.

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You know given how they say jaina has been in the maw for “Weeks” maybe the whole time feels different stuff is just akin to the twisting nether.

Also when did Thrall have encounter with shadowmoon orcs? and more specifically their rituals, it didnt happen on draenor afaik.

Certainly he would’ve known about it? At minimum, the Horde has Shadowmoon Orcs now.

Jaina did say she didn’t know how long she was in the Maw so Imo it’s safe to say that time goes faster in the SL and is just like the Twisting Nether like that.


(Commentary): The not-hotheaded course would’ve been to remain at the Temple of Elune, defending it from the demons, and thus being on hand when Ysera attacked, possibly giving her the chance to save Ysera. It would’ve been sending the highly capable class order hall leader PC to save Malfurion, something they successfully do.

(Commentary): I disagree on this one, her people weren’t even in Stormwind when she chose to go there. Malfurion had been injured and she decided to take him there because she felt Teldrassil was lost. Refugees didn’t start arriving until after Teldrassil was set on fire. She was only on hand because she chose the hotheaded course; love before duty.

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Yes chasing sylvanas and leaving your people to fight waves and waves of zombies, without your epic power to protect them is very hotheaded. Specially when it a no return type deal.( at first anyways)

Those dead Night Elves didn’t need Lilian nor Calia because both Tyrande and Maiev offered them to welcome them back home but they went all emo and ran away.


blizzard never addressed this and it bugs me

They had been evaccing refugees to Stormwind for a long time prior to the Burning, as per the stories. A lot of night elves were already there, so many they were backed up to the gates. You can’t evac that many people through a portal in the timespan the Burning took. Per the story, they had started to evac Teldrassil once the Horde made it to Darkshore, even.


beyond the gates, the nelves spilled all the way to goldshire