Leaders meeting at icecrown spoilers

All that people wanted was that we actually saw the Night Warrior garbage actually do something. She literally transformed into it and now we’re already rushing to purge her of it. It feels like dethroning Vol’jin all over again.



(Query): Before or after they did nothing to prevent the attack on Cuba?

I think your taking your role play a bit too seriously. Making me “pay” wont make you happy. And if it does then that is a bit creepy.


The Horde is made up of very different cultures, they are not equivalent to the various states of the US. The Bond of the horde is strong, but they are all independent nations responsible for their own actions. The Horde is not as a whole responsible for the forsaken blighting people for example.

So a farmer is expected to get him and his family killed now?

(Query): Who said anything about killed?

(Speculative): I imagine in this hypothetical that Florida would be paying a special tax to pay reparations to Cuba. So, yes, the people in Florida who did nothing to stop this attack would be stuck paying the tax I would imagine. Mind you this particular hypothetical is a bit wonky since it would’ve been the president ordering the attack and Florida committing it and then the President flipping everyone off and going to hell to free Satan/turn off the Grim Reaper, and honestly, I don’t think our current president is intelligent enough.

Cut off the head of the snake and the body dies.

No she doesn’t. Calia is a forsaken that could be leading the forsaken at this point in time. Who is Calia to try to tell Tyrande what to do? It was extremely tone deaf on Calia’s part to not understand the forsaken committed genocide against the night elves and were in Darkshore long after torturing and killing her people while desecrating the land.

Other than being a forsaken, does Tyrande even know much about Calia?


and all that stuff could be in the book, wow is a action game theres no action in paying taxes and reparations, so are we gonna wait for the book which is soon, nvm lets be real even 10 xpacs from now people are gonna be complaining about teld

That might work for the old Horde(and with new council system this is one of its clear benefit over the old) but the Alliance has always been able to function even with the death of a leader. Heck, it was one of Anduin’s boast during his comic, the Alliance wont fall even if a leader or two dies.

Even a Hydra has only so many heads before it dies.

No tyrande doesnt need to chill, she has had a very normal and just reaction, is she wrong maybe, should calia said it different probably, but tyrande had a normal reaction, lets not start complaining about characters not acting like logical robots all the time.


(Humor): Now I just imagine some small Mechagnome with gilded mechanized limbs and a pair of big burly Kul Tiran dudes walking around Orgrimmar and collecting reparation taxes by beating the heck out of people who don’t cough up, just because that’s probably how Blizzard would add it to the game.

(Commentary): Absolutely and with good reason. It was a bad idea. The Horde forevermore has a black mark on it’s record that cannot be expunged. Years upon years of, ‘We’re not the old Horde, we’re different, we’re not monsters,’ has been completely and utterly undone beyond repair. Not only that, the Alliance essentially has a blank check as far as morality is concerned for the foreseeable lifespan of the game. We could basically repeat Teldrassil and it’d be justified because the Horde did it first. That’s not even touching all the other stuff that’s just piled up over the years.

(Humor): We don’t need NPCs to say, “Never forget Teldrassil,” because no one is ever going to forget it. It wasn’t some bad thing the Horde did in the book, it’s something the Horde did that players experienced and had a hand in. That makes it real in a way nothing else can.

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lol whats the draenei genocide, which was twice when you think about it.

(Commentary): True, but the difference is, we as players weren’t experiencing it. It was in the past, in a book, or in the case of WoD, it was an enemy faction doing it. Teldrassil would outright the Horde committing genocide.

Normal, maybe, above criticism, of course no.

My point is the entire scene was shocking for me. Tyrande is clearly letting her emotions get the better of her and whether that means she end up becoming a raid boss or manages to step back from the edge is now slightly murkier.

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SO? Her being the way she is makes for a much better story, Do I want tyrande to forgive the horde, yeah I do, but right now hell no, she can do it after sylvanas is dead, I will enjoy angry tyrande till then


It’s hard to be an emotionless robot when not only your have to suffer being around the people who committed genocide on the people you lead, and you have them trying to tell you what to do. On top of being the literal avatar of vengeance.

It’s like you want to story to be insanely bad.


(Commentary): I think some people’s problem is that this feels like a rehash of, ‘A Little Patience,’ and no one really wants to see the 10,000+ year old avatar of a goddess get reminded of her responsibilities from a human. Again.

(Speculative): Personally I think Tyrande’s response is the right one, but I think it should be more subtle. Something along the lines of, “My people are with me wherever I go. I see their faces, I hear their voices, they cry out in despair, they cry for vengeance, they cry for their loved ones. My duty is to my people first and foremost, to ensuring their safety. Until the Banshee Queen is dead, they will not know safety again. Be mindful of your tongue, or else she won’t be the only Queen who shall face the Wrath of Elune.” And end with a nice little effect like during the meeting in the Alliance embassy to show her slipping with the power a little bit. We don’t need Tyrande to act like a 13 year old girl having a hissy fit on the beach. She’s an ancient embodiment of divinity who’s lived through more wars than people know. She should be allowed to act like it.


Shes always been a rash hot head, play wc3