Leaders meeting at icecrown spoilers

If you split any more hairs the other Nightborne players are going to disown you for inferior coif care.

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I thought it might be useful to note… later on the intro Scenario Jaina and Thrall talk about Tyrande and Jaina speculates Tyrande has lost control of the Night Warrior’s power and rather it is controlling her. Tyrande is operating on pure blind rage, mowing down anyone that gets in the way of the Vengeance the Night Warrior was summoned to achieve.

There armies are literally depleted, you want to punish a bunch of civilians for what there dead army dead, civilians that rebelled against sylvanas, if you actually play horde side and do both loyalist and rebel story lines, No lothermar was wrong, Sylvanas didnt have the support of the people she had to oppress them to get them to even fight at the 2nd siege of org

who is talking down at her, blizzard isnt, calia? WOW so what, you are getting mad that a horde leader is telling her to peace out? Or are you mad that genn is saying hey lets think about his, GENN who sylvanas has like tripled wronged more than tyrande arguably?

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I give up, there’s no reasoning with you. Justice isn’t always served at the end of a sword, the Horde don’t even give a crap enough to offer any sort of reconciliation for the things they’ve done and all Anduin cares about is peace so they get away with it all with nothing required of them and nothing said but a stern “don’t do it again” that will never be acted on when they inevitably do.


They don’t actually know if it will be a suicide mission, they only think it might be, they don’t know much of anything about this, including Bolvar. We also don’t know if Sylvanas is already a maw walker. Nothing really leads us to believe escape is impossible at that point in ICC.

The armies are not depleted, logically speaking per Blizzard’s own writing, the Horde is in a better place than the Alliance in terms of their military power. Sylvanas prior to leaving had ‘possibly the only force capable of stopping N’zoth’, implying that her forces were superior to the combined rebel and Alliance forces at the gate.

As there was no battle, and the rebels and main Horde rejoined with only some loyalists being imprisoned, per Blizzard’s own statements through characters that would be expected to know, the Horde is in a solid place as an army.

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Why is it anyone in the horde who didnt burn down Teldrassil or do any atrocities, why is it their responsibility to offer “reconciliation” for what other people did? Are the Highmountain Tauren to give you reconciliation for the burning of Teldrassil they had nothing to do with?


There must always be War in Warcraft.


Generally you’re expected to take some measure of responsibility for the actions of those you ally with, yes… that is in fact how it works, especially when you join a group that is specifically a melting pot in terms of political affiliations. The Horde isn’t a coalition like the Alliance, it’s a singular entity made up of different parts that operates as one.


then why are they going to help stop sylvanas, I mean sure the story can go either way, but what does tyrande leaving behind her people have to do with the horde? Like you said, earlier if she knows she can leave the maw and read the script she knows that the PC is gonna take down sylvanas in the first place cause the PC never lost.

That is not the way it works. You do not have any responsibility for what your allies do. The US is allied to the Saudis, we are not responsible for what they do to their own citizens, that is solely their own responsibility.


Ugh Tyrande needs to chill. Calia had nothing to do with Sylvanas or her war. Also, I see Blizzard wants to keep raising the stakes. Now we are suppose to fight an army that possibly rivals the Legion? Ok I guess but you cant keep raising the stakes.

Just to catch me up from in the 250s of this page, does Sylvanas have any back up?

edit: She’s suppose to have influence within the horde and seems pretty empty.

They’re setting her up to fall.

It does need to look creditable to an extent.

(Commentary): A better comparison might be that the US is responsible if Florida decides to attack Cuba. The Horde is more than a simple Alliance, it’s a number of independent nation-states that are formed together under a single union. The Warchief would be equivalent to the president. Where the Horde failed is having no system of checks and balances to keep the power of the Warchief in check.


This is what I tried to explain but apparently it flew over his head.


(Commentary): That’s not Sylvanas. Sylvanas is already using her new Shadowlands model in other screenshots. Not really sure who that is. I’d be surprised if it was Sylvanas, since even if it’s supposed to be her prior to her wardrobe update, she’d still be using the model that we’ve had for ages.


what if half of florida attacked the other half that attacked cuba cause they didnt agree, should we punish them too

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Also, why is Sylvanas capturing Alliance/Horde leaders? Why not wait until after you have an unbeatable army behind your back? Villian failure 101.

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