Leaders meeting at icecrown spoilers

TLoU2 and wow is different, as sylvanas is evil and she is gonna die, now the horde is a nation and nations are complex, not everyone is responsible for what the leaders do, Or should we at the fourms start laying blame for trumps covid-19s failures on other americans

Garrosh is the Warrior avatar. (The free starter one anyway)

Not yet, but she has just started down this path. Give it time.

This is the first time the veil has even been shattered, they don’t really know what’s possible at this point. We are all in ICC a reason and we don’t know what has lead up to this, or if Sylvanas has already been a maw walker.

Oh so we just don’t have any living representation in that game.

Retribution isnt always bad in my opinion. But if you are willing to do “Anything” to get it, then yes its bad.

yes cause the leaders of the horde and alliance have been captured and bolvar wants the PC to come, not the other leaders

They are when they’re perfectly happy to support said leaders until the consequences reach them. That’s what the Horde always does.

shrugs I guess I just can’t blame her. Sylvanas and the Horde slaughtered her people and waltzed off into the sunset with no comeuppance and a peace treaty respectively. That’s pathetic and no justice was served.


I think Thrall is the shaman avatar.

There is like Thrall and Rexxar, then the rogue class is Valeera. They like to use her because she is part of that game since when they were making the classes they couldn’t really think of another popular rogue and she only appeared like once before in the game in that invasion of undercity in wotlk.

Sadly he is powerless and most likely might be one of the one’s captured.

Yeah, just like:


Weird how none of them get compared to Arthas.

Speaking of which, how did they get captured?

Maybe they tried to make peace with Sylvanas by offering her a chunk of Darkshore and she just kidnapped them instead.

If you want to commit a genocide to answer for a genocide you are just as bad specially against people who didnt even commit the act. In last of us the fireflies arent very good, and they did destory ellies family she has every right to kill them, last of us is bad cause it wants to tell a revenge is bad story but at the same time, leaves with abby coming out on top and she got her revenge. SO how is revenge bad? IN wow no such thing as happened, Sylvanas hasnt got away with anything as everyone both the horde and the alliance are going after her.


None of those, except Illidan perhaps, ever said they would do “Anything” for revenge.

We have Voss and Gorona at least they seem to be horde aligned. Or just use rexxar he has a current model.

Side note you may want to not post direct spoilers for a game that just came out.

Sylvanas might not but what about the Horde? Sylvanas didn’t singlehandedly march through Darkshore carrying a whole bunch of catapults, load them all up and fire them at Teldrassil. The Horde haven’t answered for their part in anything and never will. Can’t you see why that’s frustrating at best?


There’s a big gap between “doing a genocide back” and “getting talked down to for being even somewhat enraged at what happened”.

I personally have been saying since BfA launched that I don’t want a Burning to happen to any Horde race, it would be a very bad thing and a terrible plot. But at the same time, the reactions to any sort of anger or sense of vengeance from Tyrande are far and away unrealistic and very out of place in any logical narrative.


Fine, we’ll append a grandfather clause for Thrall and Varian specifically. Happy now? Not that it matters much anyway - Thrall stopped being Thrall a long time ago anyway.

It’s a moot point anyway because I’m just going to play SL with quest text and cinematics disabled anyway. I’m done caring about the story at this point. It’s just a poor man’s WoD at this point anyway.

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