Leaders meeting at icecrown spoilers

I’m going Fox

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Fetch me my gunship load of mana bombs.

Wanna bet it’s not.


We were already told that we escape it.

So it seems a moot point.

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yeah if you read ahead its not do you not understand povs? What you want tyrande to read ahead the script?

how is it moot if none of the characters know that? do you know how stories work? How characters work, tyrande cant see the future?

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But yet blizzard chose not to use them. I can kind of give Calia since they most likely want to use her. But Valeera? That’s an odd choice for the horde.

Maybe they rented Valeera out.

Rather have someone like Nisha. At least we know she is willing to fight for us.

I’d say it’s pretty reasonable, she has all this power, the story won’t allow her to go after the Horde with it. Sylvanas is in the Maw, presumably so are her people’s souls, and she knows pretty well that she can’t rely on anyone else in the Alliance leadership to get stuff done.

There’s no other recourse, but as I predicted all the way back last year (seriously, look at my post history if you doubt), the meta narrative is going to punish her for doing the very thing that makes the most sense.


Malfurion and Shandris still exist and the veil is shattered, the Maw at this point seems more escapable than before especially when we set this all up with Bolvar to literally stop whatever sylvanas has planned with the power of the shadowlands.

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Which would be irrelevant by your standard of relegating important roles to main game characters exclusively. Because Thrall absolutely came out of no where in Warcraft 3, had no establishment of his credibility. He’s just the new Warchief in Warcraft 3, with zero reason for the player to identify with him to start with prior to the tutorial.

This is what I mean by you missing the point. Your standard precludes Thrall.

That is all.

I am curious to see who these First Ones are. I assume they’ll be extremely big soon, but this is the 2nd mention we’ve seen of them and in the

Theory: the First Ones are the original Ethereals/Brokers (who I bet are related) before they got destroyed by Dimensius (which I’m sure at some point they’ll heavily modify that lore since it’s so old). And they built the Shadowlands.

lol what are you even discussing lore now

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Tyrande - I would pay any price to see the Banshee impaled upon my glaive.

So she is going down the Arthas path.

Again with this… she’s nowhere near Arthas, it’s a dumb comparison and it cheapens what Arthas did.


Ah yes another revenge is bad story. Just what I needed after TLoU2.


Ahh good.

I am always for mindless bloodshed.

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Yeah, it doesn’t make much sense. I really think Mayla would have been a better choice, especially since Baine is trapped in the Maw. They are probably just using Valeera just because she is a character in hearthstone.

this is literally before we escape it lol you both really dont understand a basic timeline
The PC is the mawwalker not tyrande, and before we become the mawwalker no body even thought it was possible.

I don’t play or know much about hearthstone, but is there no horde in it?