Leaders meeting at icecrown spoilers

she doesnt reappear till 8.2

If method of introduction doesn’t matter, why not have Calia jump out of a giant cake in front of Undercity then? No explanation needed, right?

As for Thrall, WC3 sold me on him, not the book. You know, the game I played and experienced the character first hand.


Moving on to the now actually relevant question, what’s the best race to meme the ever-loving crap out of the story with? Is it fox? Panda? Or elf with skimpy xmog? I sure as hell am not dignifying SL questing with a serious character at this point. Gonna need a quest text suppression addon too, for good measure.


Yes, at the “end” of 8.1 is when the horde is losing. Then in 8.2 is when she think about switching to working with the alliance. Before then she was happy to kill them even after Teldrassil, she even volunteers herself to do so.

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Honestly this is about what I expected. Tyrande says mean things, everyone goes “wHoA, tHe WaR iS oVeR” and she gets to be the new Jaina. She’ll go after Sylvanas and it will be framed as this big, bad thing (as if anyone else there has shown themselves to be reliable), and that’ll be that.

At least she vanishes early so the finger wagging is limited…


Thats Valtrois

Anyone else notice Muradin now is referred to as High Thane


Re Valeera, she’s not neutral in the sense that she doesn’t pick sides, she’s neutral in that the “sides” mean nothing to her and her loyalties transcend them – she’s the personal retainer of the Alliance’s king but also identifies with her people in the Horde. With her patron literally trapped in hell, and the factions nominally at peace anyway, it doesn’t shock me that she’d be standing with the other. If anything, Valeera’s link to/status with Silvermoon and the Horde is a side of her character we should have seen more of over the years.


Was it ever actually revealed how Valeera ended up an enslaved gladiator in the first place? Seems that would be a bit of a sticking point in terms of Horde interactions…

She will return…as a boss fight.

Now you’re being deconstructively glib.

Woosh. That was my point, going over your head.

I don’t think they’ll go that far, but I’m expecting a lot of what Jaina got between MoP and BfA, if I’m being honest. Just even more on the nose because Tyrande isn’t a human character.


Well it’s not like we have many options. Blizzard really needs to stop killing of horde characters.

Comic states that she was caught stealing a trinket from a shaman and was locked in prison. She was about to break out but they sold her.


Tyrande didn’t really say anything mean. It seemed to me Calia, as a forsaken, was attempting to tell Tyrande what to do, and instead of listening to the person who may be ruling the people who committed genocide against the night elves, obviously Tyrande is not going to want to hear anything from a forsaken at this point. It’s reasonable Tyrande is going to get mad here.


Also I find the whole “But your people need you!” thing to be somewhat weird as well. Since when do the leaders in Azeroth stay behind when a battle’s happening? Maybe Calia’s just stuck in pre-First War mindsets, because every single major leader on the Horde or the Alliance has gone headlong into danger alongside their troops since forever.


Oh, I agree it was reasonable, but it won’t be framed as such. Notice how Bolvar immediately rebukes her? That’s going to be a theme. What we’re told isn’t going to line up with what we see, basically.


I guess they could use Gazlowe there? Or Mayla? Or the Zandalari leader. But yeah there aren’t too many choices other than more allied race leaders.

Right, and her being resurrected by Anduin, a Naaru, and Faol into the perfect version of holy undeath - at her choice since she could have come back living - is a better story. At least the cake is open and up front with the absurdity.

Nah, cus Thrall was someone to interact with, not someone to stand around and watch.

Now, back to the matter at hand - fox, panda, or belf?

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Yeah, it does seem like they try to frame everything she says in the worst possible way, even if it’s completely understandable.


the maw is inescapeable so yeah she is 1000% abandoning her people at this point in time, cause we the player who are the first to escape and help people escape it, haven done that yet.

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