Is there an actual way to ignore users on the forums? Or do you mean ignore by just skipping their posts.
I’d go back to farm certain islands if you could solo them. There are some unique mogs and mounts from there but as for actual content…they really fell flat.
Easy fix, Each past expansion should get a stacking 100% buff. So BFA Raids/dungeons you are 100% stronger in dmg/defense. Legion you are 200% strong in dmg/defense etc…
Comments like this just show that General Discussion will complain, no matter what product is put out. Blizzard has released the best expansion in a decade, and you still complain.
Maybe it’s time to find another game? It is obvious there is nothing about WoW that can make you happy.
Every day I run a Forum +15 especially on trolling, whining, name calling, and gaslighting weeks. All that chance for some sweet +226 likes (still waiting on that one)
You need 300 more posts, and then you’ll be at 6969!
Difference between you playing the game and me doing this–you need to be rewarded with higher items, you responding to me is the reward.
I’ll have to make a subtle not so subtle 69 post for that. Giggity
I donno about that… SL is a ‘meh’ on average, decent at best. Needs a lot more fixes and tuning.
Plus. PvP is crap, No one – I dont care who you are, should be able to be killed in one CD from any class.
Definitely should. There is no reason what so ever to not be able to solo every single raid from two expansions ago. Just seems spiteful.
The only things Blizzard put any sort of effort into…
That’s group content. A lot people want to play solo.
You do realize that a lot of people are giving this expansion a chance ?
Not hes problem if you can’t stand people play this game differenty doesn’t mean what he says doesn’t matter just because u say so.
Some people forget that MMORPG does not stand for GROUP ONLY CONTENT lol
I just don’t understand why anyone would play wow solo when there are much…MUCH better solo RPGs out there.
You don’t have to understand. How someone else enjoys the game is none of your business.
I was just pointing out that there are solo players and they find ways to have fun.
be cause it’s an MMO, people play MMOs for the social aspect. EQ started this, i still play that game. It’s more social than anything, yea there are still Raids, dungeons etc… but there is just as much solo content that solo players who still want a social aspect have something to do.
EQ alos doesn’t forget there older content lol you can STILL have progression guilds and use OLD gear to still get that same difficulty. ALL the older gear isn’t deactivated lol you can still do everything you could since launch day, minus a few things like the mana stone but whatever.
Maybe so but im just not really into solo only games i still like mutiplayer options sometimes only speaking for myself not that person.