Layers are being reduced which is why some queue times are increasing

I feel like all you are doing is aggressively agreeing with me, for some reason.

You don’t seem to understand what you read.

Layering does not directly impact server caps. It keeps servers from having thousands of people in one area, making the game unplayable for everyone, from a gameplay perspective.

The servers hold way more people than they did in 2006. You can’t have 2000 people in a starting area. No one would be able to complete quests and it would cause performance issues.

The total number of players is set by blizzards server cap, which they set, and is not determined by the number of layers.

I feel the same way.

Layers by themselves do not increase the population. They exist to allow the game to be playable while the population cap is increased during the first phase of the game. The population cap will drop again to more vanilla-like levels at phase two, at which point the layers are no longer needed.

yea and thats a good Thing! finally People report seeing alot of pvp on a pvp Server! still, a ton of People abusing layering in pvp (warping away in the middle o the fight but These are more People of the retail community which hopefully will be gone in some weeks)

i just hope Blizzard gonna remove layering before Phase 2! we already lost alot People because that System! in my Guild 6 very good Players left the game because layer warping in pvp but they said they come back if layering is removed from the game! i can only agree with em because layering in classic is one of the worst recreations of vanilla ive ever saw! back in vanilla People could not warp on other Servers while they were in a pvp fight!!

some Hours ago 2 Horde guys did mass kill low Level People in elwynn and lakeshire! the Moment we attackd em with the help of 2 Level 60chars they did warp away -.-

I literally said nothing about vanilla realm pops in that post dude. pserver = private server.

Do you actually have a blizzard post that states layers have no impact on the consecutive people logged in?

Because every interview they’ve stated that the purpose of layering was to have more people on a realm supported instead of creating new servers.

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someone knows basic programming :smiley:

" They even specifically said they were going to lower the population caps over time for that reason. "

I’d like to see some blue post or a youtube vid of that because that is nothing I have read and if i were a man id be called a neckbeard that lives in my moms basement because I literally live on the forums, and I am yet to see anything supporting this claim.

I was however aware that they planned to reduce the number of layers in prep for phase 2. With the few low pop servers available as a carrot on a stick to move people when they don’t want 4+ hour queues… oh wait we already have those… probably gonna be like launch day again on Faerlina with like 8 + hour queues

I’m not saying you are wrong, i am just highly skeptical and think maybe you took something out of context but if you can prove me wrong I will gladly admit it

You think you do, but you don’t

:stuck_out_tongue: sorry i had to.

It does though. Do you really think there are only 3000 players logged in, or whatever the single layer cap is?

They expressly increased the cap, and layers, to alleviate queues.

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There is dynamic spawning. It was VERY apparent in Skull rock Cave by Org.

If a party walked in I swear to god all the mobs would start spawning so fast you would be over run and had no chance of getting out alive. But if no one was there the spawns were normal.

I don’t know where it is now but there was a blue post specifically stating how it worked and the multiplier based on the density of players in an area.

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That’s not how it works. For now they’re only reducing layers as needed. Assuming 3 layers at 3k. They won’t be combined until at least 2 of them are at 1500, making a combined 3k. But this does nothing to change the maximum number of connections to the server, thus it has nothing to do with layering.

Again, layers have nothing to do with queues. This information is literally all over the internet. It’s be reiterated ad nauseum in various blue posts.

If ya’ll can’t grasp this concept by now, you simply aren’t going to.

Does this need a source? It’s pretty obvious in game. I’ve been playing everyday at peak times since launch day and the difference in amount of people that I see in literally every single zone as of Monday is staggering.

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You didn’t read what I wrote did you.

Read it again. Math.

Not if you don’t also lower the server cap by 3,000.

Otherwise it’s just speculation.

I can’t find an extremely specific direct quote saying exactly that, but it’s extremely easy to piece together from what is there.

For example:

If you read Ion’s interview and look at the comments about layering and population size as well as the size of a specific layer, he discusses how a single layer is meant to be the size of a traditional vanilla server as well as mentions that they want zero layering by phase 2. He also talks about how they’ll aggressively reduce layering over time.

He does not specifically talk about reducing the population cap over time, but when you consider that he specifically states that the server caps are already where they think they should be to avoid problems down the road (and this is when including their assumption about significant drop off after launch) and that he says that BEFORE they announce significantly increasing the caps post launch to help reduce the queues, we can deduce that the population caps were made to be dramatically higher than would be appropriate for a single layer. In fact, the pop caps before launch were already much higher than they’d like for a single layer, and then they significantly increased them after launch to try to reduce the extreme queues on certain servers.

If they want to aggressively reduce layering over time still in order to reach 0 layering by phase 2, they would have to also lower the very high population caps in order to keep a single layer the size of an old vanilla server.

IE: his comment in the interview about how many people a single layer is supposed to hold:

Hazzikostas: Each layer is effectively going to be what a healthy server was at launch in 2004 in terms of the number of people it holds.

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