I can only post my experience here, but I haven’t seen anyone in northshire in a couple days. I’ve been too lazy to rebind my hearth, so. yanno. It’s already a ghost town on whatever shard I happen to be on.
Speaking on from what i have seen, I have created 8 characters since launch, and i have never seen an empty zone. As of this morning, my dwarf priest was running around Dun Morogh, at 4am EST and there were plenty of people around.
Edit: To clarify, it was 4AM EST and im on an EST server.
You “forgot” this part:
Just raising the realm caps without any additional tech, at some point you run into not just client-server performance issues but raw gameplay issues, in terms of contention over finite spawn points in a world where mobs tap to the first person who hits them.
When you have 800 people in Northshire Abbey, 2,000 people in Northshire Abbey if you can imagine that, that’s a miserable experience for everybody all around. So those are the problems we’re trying to avoid.
My point was that the realm caps wouldn’t have been raised without the existence of layers. If there’s only 2500 people logged onto the server, theoretically there should be no layers currently active on that particular server.
I would rather there be long queues then layers.
I don’t think this is necessarily true. Sure, they wouldn’t have had 13000+ players online without either layering or some kind of modified spawn system, but that doesn’t mean we’re not going to see larger servers this time around.
There’s no way Blizzard would increase server capacity on an already overpopulated server so that they could then go back to Vanilla population norms come phase two. The server population and server allowance is not going to change when the layers are gone.
What IS going to change is the amount of people playing on a realm; quitters, transfers, etc. and the amount of people in a given zone. The bell curve will normalize and not everyone will be in the same zones which reduces server stress and improves player experience (less fighting for mobs and lag)
No offence intended, but i just dont get this argument at all. I would rather play the game i pay for then watch a number barely move for several hours.
Because thats how it was in vanilla. layering was not in vanilla it shouldn’t be in classic.
It’ll have to be decreased or else we’re in for bad times when layering is gone. Blizz said each layer has a population of about a full vanilla realm, so roughly 2500 players. If we assume there’s 3-5 layers on full pop servers, then that means there’s anywhere between 7,500 - 12,500 players when the server is full.
The way the vanilla world was designed just can’t handle that many people without changes. Nostalrius had to increase the respawns on pretty much everything to cope with 10,000 concurrent players in a single world.
Blizz will have to either decrease the population cap or they will have to give up on their #nochanges stance and increase respawn timers for basically everything.
There are already complaints of dead realms. With no layering Blizzard would have had to release several times as many servers as there were, leaving a much higher number of ghost town servers left standing months from now.
This isn’t REALLY an argument since Classic isn’t vanilla.
This is just a personal preference you’re presenting. I get where you’re coming from, but it carries no more weight than me saying “thank goodness for layering”.
Ok, but i played Vanilla starting in 2004 and you know what there wasnt any of? 20 hr queues. Thats not Vanilla either.
I agree, I think it was a poor way to handle the overpopulation and I think more realms should have been made sooner. The economy is going to be garbage with this many people playing. But they stated their servers can handle much more of a capacity now than in Vanilla so we’ll see how the game changes.
The respawn rates now are much higher than in vanilla, so that’s already been affected.
Then Blizzard will need more servers simple fix. layering needs to go ASAP.
NOT AT ALL… layers are implemented for avoid crowded starting zones, no server population. Blizzard textual words…
Except you’re ignoring the long term implications of too many servers. You’re effectively asking that history repeat itself so that either merges are needed or an implementation of CRZ. Neither is good.
Yeah thats what happened in the past. if it happens again so be it layering is B.S
I’m glad your YOLO attitude about it could severely damage the game in the long run (while layering is short term) just so you can say “This is just like vanilla was!”
You literally just agreed with him lol