Uhhhh I hope that isn’t too long. My guildies transferred to a server and I wasn’t able to join them so I’ve been waiting for ages here.
No, it is not.
Classic is running the same code base as BFA.
Which means all of nothing though, as the physical world is completely a vanilla asset, and the zones are not properly designed for that.
Too messy, too much bleed over, it was not a thing back in 2004, there was no reason to design the physical world for it.
I am having the same issue as a lot of others, my level 60 main + others were able to take the free transfer to Earthfury. My 60 alt had honor for the week so I decided to wait until the reset to transfer him. Now he is stuck on Incendius while my other char’s are on Earthfury, makes no sense why I can’t pay for a transfer to a realm which I already have characters. I am not two people.
Please unlock transfers on Pagle. Been leveling a character to play with a friend for almost a month now. Finally opens up and I can’t even bring my character over… Real bummer. Feel like I wasted hours upon hours.
Great job with removing layers. Already there is a 58 minute queue. I love looking at the queue screen. SO MUCH better then playing the game. Great job Blizzard. Anything else you want to “fix”?
WTB Layer 2 on Whitemane. PST.
Do not want 6hr queues again tomorrow as people start pitching tents in Org, pushing jump every 15 minutes, 6 hours before their raid time…
So once again blizzard… Once again, I am stuck in a fricken queue because YOU decided to remove layers because you were supposedly more smart then the players. I told you immediately after this was posted that QUEUES WOULD COME BACK because players behavior would change based on the knowledge that layers were gone and they would begin to SIT ON SERVERS NOT LOGGING OUT, and here we are! Sitting in a one hour queue to play a game that I pay you $15/mo for. WHY? Why should I continue to pay you for a product that I can’t play when I want to play? My guild is raiding right now, and I am going to miss the raid because now there is a queue and I just got back from work. Cancelling my sub right now.
yeah, I just unsubbed as well sick of this crap planning they do.
Hey Blizzard, let them sit in queues, see if it works itself out. You guys have the ability to stop this, and I see decisions around certain realms that are locked to transfers moving the goal post towards the winning side.
Obviously. You stay on a stacked server instead of rolling an alt elsewhere or transfering.
@Kavi ban these anti afk cheaters for a week or 3. Queues will go down. They are their own problem.
Preach! Stick it to em!
…also… I hate to ask… but can I have your gold before you quit?
Thank you Blizzard for removing layers - best thing ever - now the sense of community is back and so is world PVP
So are the 1k+ queues every night. Genius move!
1800 queues on whitemane tonight. Thank you Blizzard, very cool.
It’s a good thing, trust us.
Queue make you enjoy the game more because you can’t always play
So real time in queues on Whitemane hit 5 hours last night. Blizzard so far has two solutions: layering and transfers to unbalanced and essentially raid logged dead servers. Of these two layering is currently the better option for the large, large majority of the player base.
- Layering did not stop world PvP. It was present on both or all layers. We rarely got beyond two layers but it was always present. It was present on all layers of Winterspring, EPL, WPL, Felwood, Burning Steppes, Kargath, Thorium Point and BRM. This is largely an invalid argument.
- Transferring off server to bad options is a logistical nightmare. It rarely works, can lead to incendius like results. No one who says “Just transfer.” ever addresses this. Moving multiple toons, banks, accounts, dealing with player loss, managing gold caps and mail storage is something that can take dozens of hours and on top of that Blizzard has stopped the transfer with little to no notice interrupting the process. Not to mention disrupting over a year of efforts on behalf of hundreds of people for one guild let alone the dozens you’d need to transfer to make a difference.
- Resource management with the bot situation makes a megaserver non-viable without layering. There just isn’t enough to go around and it’s getting ridiculous. Prices are inflated, supply is low and ability to gather outside of instances is extremely low. This is a major problem that has never been addressed and was ameliorated by layering, not solved but helped.
- Packing 10k plus toons into Silithus during the opening? Yeah that will work. The servers will literally shut down. It will be a nightmare (maybe no changes, sure) that will not be a positive experience for anyone.
- This literally kills the experience for anyone that cannot log in all day. Oh you have family responsibilities, a job, real life? Well guess what? All that is on hold if you want to be on at a reasonable time. This has huge impacts on the lives of your players. We have a doc who is literally living away from his family dealing with COVID, guess what, he can’t raid or play with us during his extremely limited free time. “Sorry bro, transfer off server.” That’s not a solution.
Please fix this. And if you think that layering is bad, and just transfer off, then give us real options and consider merging unbalanced unhealthy servers to give people better options.
This feels like a half-thought out solution. You bring back layers and one your reasons for this is the well-known resource constraint issue on servers, which includes Black Lotuses. Then when you just get rid of layers again you have done nothing to fix the resource issues on the servers, not to mention there are no free transfers available on Whitemane for people to leave with. Yet you stick us in queues that are over four hours long! How about some solutions and not just half-assed responses to what’s going on here?
This is terrible.