Layering vs. No Layering (Post Stress-Test) - Which is Better?

Yes, I read it. You didn’t say all that. If the server has 10k concurrent players on it then that’s fine isn’t it? It’s not like there are 1,000 players in each starting area. Even you have to acknowledge that that sounds pretty crazy.

Both have their advantages, I’d prefer no layering but I’m not going to throw my toys out of the crib about it.

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10k players at the same time is crazy. The original game only allowed for a little more than a third of that.

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It is crazy. But the servers now are stronger. They can probably handle that many people as long as they are spread out through the zones. But all in the starting areas? That’s gonna cause MASSIVE issues.

It doesn’t matter how many people the servers can hold. The game world is only designed to handle around 3k at the same time.


/rides in with a solution!
(queue dramatic music)

hardcore server option. long queues, no sharding, no layering, no crz. but merges with other hardcore servers when layering removed from the other servers at end of phase 1

help spread this suggestion.

layering is their solution.

Stop trying to spread this stupidity. Who on earth do you think would want server merges over layering? Even sharding is better than server merges.

i know. i like the idea. but they need also, a hardcore server option. you are warned when you try to sign up for it that you will be stuck in long queues and your server will be behind in server progression but no layering, no sharding and no crz. once layering is removed from other servers, then hardcore servers can also be merged if needed.

but thats what will happen to all servers at the end of phase 1. their layers will all be merged. where possible.

Then they need to make a hardocre option for:
Oceanic pvp
Oceanic rp-pvp
Oceanic rp-pve
US pve
etc etc etc.

That’s alot of servers they’ve suddenly added.

Option 3:

Open beta followed by
$60 box price
3k server caps

Retailers get to try the game for free and realize they hate it. Classic servers get filled by dedicated vanilla fans.

The issues with layering are as follows.

A) What happens to servers that don’t decline as much as expected and remain well over the healthy population limit for a vanilla server?

B) What happens to servers that decline more than expected and have very low numbers of players?

C) What happens after the servers stabilize and retail tourists return en masse due to either a retail content drought, or desire to see the next classic phase?


Except the key difference is that they are multiple layers on the same server.

its just a layer. actually it works like this:
a server is just a named layer of the cloud. layers on the server are actually sublayers of the layer of the cloud.
so its all the same banana (the cloud) thinly veiled between each part.

but they’ll be merged . i dont mean one server merges with another. i mean all layers merge. a server is just a layer on the cloud anyway.

except it’s not.
US servers=in the US.
Pvp servers= won’t be able to group up with pve servers.
Rp servers= won’t be able to group up with other pve vs pvp servers.

ETC ETC. You suggestion is a solution to a problem blizz believe to have solved.

yes i know there are rulesets between the parts of the cloud. and that oceanic has its own cloud. but what i’m saying is there’s not as many individual parts, just individual codes all functioning under the cloud’s ruleset. a server is not a physical thing, it’s a layer of the cloud. everything’s code. the hardware is supporting the whole cloud.

Prevents dead realms, tackles lag issues. What’s the potential for screw up in lifespan?

completely can break the economy early in the game and lend itself more to PS style gameplay with heavy overuse of flasks for example.

You people need to understand they spent last 2 years working on this, adapting it to new client, and you think they’ll keep this layering more than needed for first month, for whichever reason crossed your mind, and risk a failed project? They want this to succeed as much as we all do.

We’ll see how they tackle that, I heard that layers will share the same nod spawns, so maybe they still manage to keep it server-wide and prevent influx of herbs and ores that’s greater than anticipated.