Layering - Good or Bad?

twitter was also their ‘new’ place, not the forums for the game :O(

Then how are you going to pick which layer you get to roll a toon on? Once that layer is filled you cant pick it and there is only one layer you can go on.

Keep on telling yourself that… Even when its phase 6 and still in there

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This is some truly terrible news. It is a grim day indeed.

The part about being able to switch layers is what’s not good. There’s going to be layer jumping. Are chats shared between layers? Things will be going on on a different layer that you won’t be a part of.

There could be massive Southshore vs. TM in one layer and nothing going on in another. I know that’s the same as being on a different server (and the layers are server size), but the fact you can just switch to a different layer is a problem.

if you pick stormrage1, then you’ll be on stormrage1. if your family/friends try to join and its full, and instead go on stormrage2, then you have to move to them if you dont want to be on a diff layer. it acts just like diff servers even though it isn’t really. or you can make chars on their layer. but this is only if they went that route of being able to select the permanent layer.

The point is what if you want to play with a friend on a different layer. That would be a list of reasons why you wouldnt want to. Its a garbage idea.

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they can solve for resource gathering and pvp/dueling but not wpvp. lol that doesnt have a solution

huh? not sure i understand.

You said you want to be able to pick what layer you play on which you cant. You get giving the current layer until its full. You can change your wording but your original post was still wrong.

What happened to this just being in the starting zones? Crap like this is why I can’t trust Blizz.


yes i think they should make it so you can select which layer you wish to play on,but of course, it has to not be full. thats the point of spawning a new layer.

It’s almost like they already have one centralized place people could come for news instead of having to look at five different places to try to figure out what is going on

You listed things you shouldn’t be able to do when grouped on a different layer. I said those things will give people reasons not to want to group with friends. Do you read your own posts?

Significantly better than dynamic sharding that has players disappearing and reappearing before your eyes.

Obviously I would still prefer nothing but I made my peace with the use sharding to help with launch/early server stability a long time ago. They’ve re-confirmed that it will be temporary so I don’t really have anything to complain about.

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You cant select that layer because its full. A nee layer isnt created until the current one is full. How does what you say make sense?

lies! there is no such place! :O)

what i mean is, if people are worried about resource gathering from people hopping between layers, they could just isolate resource gathering to your permanent layer. if you are dueling or flagged pvp, you wouldnt be able to go to a new layer till that was finished. etc but ifyou’ve made characters on the same layer as your friends/family, then that’ll be your permanent layer… that is, if they let you select the layer

So whats the plan if some of these servers populations never dwindle?

Layering forever?


If one of them joins a different group where the leader is in a different layer, won’t they vanish in front of the other one (if they happen to be looking at them when they do)? I haven’t seen anyone describe how swapping layers works.

I do think sharding an entire continent as opposed to zones will help make the world feel more… cohesive? but if they don’t add some of the restrictions to where/how you move between layers (like I suggested in the post about a megaserver) you’ll still occasionally see people phasing in and out.

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