History would repeat itself. Brief explanation of Project 60.
During Legion, Blizzard disabled sharding on Roleplaying servers. That was when Classic was announced, and so in preparation, a bunch of streamers decided to try and replicate the leveling of 1-60 in Cata content and chose RP servers instead of, literally any other server in the game, because of no sharding.
If there’s no layering on some realms, but layering on others, you’re going to get a LOT more people rolling on non-layered than layered. “Vanilla experience” and all.
phase 2 is when it get refilled with milk and when the after taste would begin, it probably wouldn’t be until phase 3 that it’s completely gone, but we could also get lucky it could fade fairly quickly, but if they do that and people who hate it don’t come in for 2-4, that is 2-4 months worth of subscriptions from each player that it bothers that they’re missing out. If they have some polling showing that it’s really an insignificant portion of the player base that cares I’d love to see it, but there are enough people that appear to be upset over this it could become costly, they want those initial numbers to be up as high as possible to impress stockholders
You aren’t going to be able to interact with your whole server at once if you’re defining it so tightly. So then how would you build a community if you can’t interact with all 3000 people at once?
Are the people who are upset over it willing to sit out? is the real question.
From talking to people here I can name 3 people who I am pretty sure will sit out of phase 1. The others I am sure will be there on launch day in august. You included.
Myriad of responses ensue from all layers
Inviting players from different layers to your raid group
You all raid hogger
Gee… its almost like communication can lead to those experiences. NAAAH! Clearly pushing for an agenda is far more important than admitting I am wrong!
But if when given an option that people SWARM to the nonsharded(layered in our case) then wouldn’t that be more of an argument on how we should have MORE nonlayered servers than layered ones? I mean if that’s what’s wanted by overwhelming popular demand.
And then history would repeat itself… mere months after classic launch servers would die and people would run to the forums screaming for blizzard to do something. “Vanilla experience” and all.
there’s a pretty big difference between finding someone in the game world and chatting, and casting your words out to who knows who might or might not be listening in /world
you don’t need to interact with everybody at the same time, repeat encounters are important, and the more people you could potentially run into while removing people you’ve run into before from the list just completely destroys the idea
The issue is that you don’t know which players are playing where. In a couple months, most of those nonlayered servers will be dead, with many of the more dedicated players hanging around. And that is what is at issue. You don’t know which servers the “tourists” are going to choose.
And the only response to that would be useless server mergers or even worse, connected realms.
Layering is built to combat the rapid deflation of multiple realms.
not just /world, but /general, /trade, /localdefense. Any chat channel is server wide. I mean how did you group up in vanilla? was it really just people you could see on your screen?
This is also ignoring the tried and true method of /who priest 18-22, whisper: Hey wanna do DM?
and while it could go either way there isn’t enough proof to support going all in on either side, the safest move would be to hedge their bets if they run a limited number nonlayered servers they would it be most likely to satisfy the people who just loathe layering and the issues that come with it all while doing something that I would argue is MUCH more important to companies these days, DATA! they would not only have legitimate numbers of how much of their player base is willing to deal with long queues vs how many will play with layered tech, not only would it give them insight into how many players want either experience but would be able to have a direct comparison against the opposite type of server and see how it affects players and their gameplay, their economy and their player behavior, it would be treasure trove of information they could use to avoid these issues with future content or servers or whatever they decide.
I’m familiar with that theory and I’m not sure it holds water.
Seems more logical that Classic WoW is being made for the same reason that every other video game has ever been made… because the developers think it will be profitable.
I’m not sure why we have to reach for any other explanation.