Layer switching is the problem, not layering itself

NO offense, but bliz has lost my trust me mode of response.

I’m inclined to doubt sky is falling stuff, but lie to me once (let alone multiple times, even by ommission) and never regain blind trust.

I’m a slow player however and Classic is tying up my free time where I don’t log into retail very much at all on any given few days.

If the issue is barely existent then there there is no need to alter the sharding, are we witnessing damage control perhaps? Tsk tsk…

Don’t hate the player, hate the game, hate the ineptitude of Blizzard to relaunch a 15 year old version of the game. Yep Imma own the black lotus market.

That blue post seems rather contradictory in nature?


Or, they just need to be more clear.

I’d rather there be punishment for the people that over exaggerated and lied about the significance of this issue.


PSA if you click on the speaker button on the chat window then go to general channel it will show the list of players in your general chat. General chat is based on layer.


right clicks to mine
“Failed. This node has already been mined on another layer”

That part of the sentence doesn’t mean what you think it means.

Here is proof you can easily determine your layer: Player proves you can determine your layer with /who (proof inside)

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classic alli, omegalul.

Just FYI on Herod, global channels have Layer hopping requests as the majority of communication. Even if not as many people are exploiting this, it has become the dominant social experience.

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And over on Mankrik, I haven’t seen a single message about layer hopping.

“”""""""""“dominant social experience”""""""""""""", huh?

Well good thing I specified it’s on Herod?

Depends on server, chat channel, and guild you’re in.

/e puts on tinfoil hat

I too believe the government is stealing my thoughts.

I’m not saying that the entire post is untrue, because a quick database query can reveal who has more than X amount of materials which is obvious abuse (and deserves an instant ban).

HOWEVER, the part about the economy being affected is irrelevant, Devilsaur Mafias have historically released farmed materials on a controlled amount to get the most amount out of what they have, and not drop the price irreparably, in fact this is not just a technique used on private servers but also on actual economics, just take a look at cryptocurrency and how the big holders of cryptocurrency, or billionaires in the world are unable to quickly sell off their assets.

Thank you for clearing this up

Probably photoshop’d. Regardless, Blizzard has said this is false.

We still very much need an actual forum post about this from Blizzard, simply responding in one of many forums is not going to get this the attention it needs.

Says the guy playing a Blizzard product. Don’t let the door hit ya man. If you’re so worried about Blizzard, just go away. Solves your problem.