Lawsuit Timeline Summary + Lore articles

Here’s something.

I doubt this will work.

Well, it turns out there was a bunch of stuff I missed, like a press conference from one employee, and the walkout that happened.

This is the current news. Zerde posted this on GD.

I love it.


As mentioned above, BetterABK is working towards raising a Strike Fund, which is their next step towards full Unionization. I for sure suggest others think about chipping in, as a Union will allow them to truly go to the mat with Kotick and the board.


I would not.

I would advise caution. There are many grifters about. Even some crowd funded “legal team” could be a ruse.

Sadly, no. This Kotick person made himself a cheap date for the next year. He couched his tenure as a pay off. He almost writes his own sunset. I don’t think throwing money at money is the play.

Would a NeoCon Right Wing Government put any pressure on Kotick?

Well… this was the fund linked through BetterABK’s twitter. But that is always worth considering yes.


I gave a hundred dollars and will do so monthly, ideally more :slight_smile:

(I give monthly to a lot of orgz but decided this is worth the extra effort)


They are so nervous about unionizing, and trying to scare employees away from signing onto the movement to do so. The company unionizing on his watch alone would likely get Kotick the ax.


Yes, corporate overlords, unions are bad. I am glad I listened to your rational, unbiased point-of-view.

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This is coming in three days. I better pay attention.

I know I’ve been bumping this thread a lot, but I also want to post this. Breast milk was stolen, presumably to be drunk. This is just gross.


And HR knew about the issue and it seems sort of… ignored it?

̶.̶.̶.̶T̶h̶e̶ ̶C̶o̶s̶b̶y̶ ̶S̶u̶i̶t̶e̶ ̶n̶e̶e̶d̶e̶d̶ ̶d̶r̶i̶n̶k̶s̶,̶ ̶I̶ ̶g̶u̶e̶s̶s̶.̶


There are still abusers and crazy people among the devs unless HR can confirm the name of the person who stole breast milk so the mothers can report the guy for theft and also sexual harassment


What I want to know is why didnt they just put a camera in watching that specific area? That isn’t a big expense.


Yup. Could’ve been a camera firmly on the entrance so their privacy is maintained, make it fixed so no degen security guard can move it to spy on the mother like a creep.


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Next thing you know it will be discovered that these people also took residue urine from the women bathrooms. In some kind of “drinking piss” joke that people like to meme Bear Gyrlls for doing in some of his videos. But at least the urine Bear drinks is his own.


The hearing is tomorrow now.


I was hoping to see an Order faster.

Edit to restate for clarity: EEOC’s realm is that of the Federal law, DFEH was always going to be in a weak position fighting that nexus of authority and law. DFEH needs to focus on their own, which is the State law.

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It looks like the whole controversy with the lawyers amounted to nothing.


Well, the Judge didn’t want to deal with it, which isn’t surprising. That is a messy thing for a court to deal with and they usually avoid it.

EEOC didn’t really need to bring it up, they have such a strong position on the subject anyway, due to case law. Hence the Judge:

“I’m not going to allow the DFEH to intervene, it’s just not appropriate,”

They’re (EEOC) only being tested to a “reasonable” standard, for most things; and can have things buried behind decision-making privilege too. (Which would take direct evidence of wrongdoing to begin to question as the rule.)

EEOC was venting the lawyer question but, honestly, I’m not sure they cared if she took it. I would not be surprised if all they were doing was defending themselves against a thing they thought might happen.
Information ATVI provided for certain in-Department processes is legally protected, and can not be shared without ATVI agreeing to waive their right to that privacy. Sharing or using that information without a waiver is a crime.
If EEOC was concerned something in that bin of data had gotten to DFEH, and was being, or might be, used in the State case; something like we’ve seen would be a path of the EEOC staff defending themselves. “We didn’t do it! Look!”

EEOC put more aggression into this than makes sense on the surface. And their protecting the statements of some personnel indicates to me a very angry Department, which always gives me pause. I wouldn’t bet we’ve heard the end until the actual end of both cases.


Here is a letter released by Daniel Alegre, the Chief Operating Officer of Activision Blizzard, about Blizzard’s diversity. I doubt it is good enough.