Lawsuit Timeline Summary + Lore articles

That’s Nintendo, Sony, and Xbox who have made statements against Kotick. All three companies can boycott Activision if they want to.


Personally, I don’t think it will ever come to that, but I do think his days are numbered.

Wowhead just released this interesting compilation of tweets.

Apparently, there were originally going to be almost no female characters in Maldraxxus besides Draka, if not for one employee. And Ardenweald has about an equal number of male and female characters thanks to another employee.


That is unsettling to hear. It makes you wonder if there were other areas of WoW that has a warrior culture that would’ve been mostly if not all male. I guess some devs at blizzard were truly afraid of actual strong women.

EDIT: There are times where it does make sense given what the culture is based on. For example the Mantid. Where they have only 1 female at a time but they are the Empress. The highest ranking position only rivaled by the Klaxxi council. Everyone else is basically a male drone. Those who prove themselves to be strong warriors by killing the most amount of enemies are rewarded with the status of Paragon. Makes me wonder if the Empress chops off the head and then eats her mates after they have mated.


and Nonbinary! The Tirnenn are canonically they/them

Which makes sense

because they’re plants

I’m actually in shock because… you’d think in 2021 having gender parity in new sentient races would be a foremost priority

at the very least


Shadowlands came out in 2020. Society has changed a lot since then. :rofl:

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still defending him


It weirds me out too, I dont know if that is a half baked cost savings measure of not needing to do male and female models and voice lines, or legit they just didn’t think about it, but if that’s the case then it shows some deep flaws in how their design process has worked they need to address.


As I said earlier in the thread they will fight tooth and nail to keep him, because he is a money printer as far as they are concerned, and all they care about is profit.


It was the latter.

The same reason NonWhite Humans didn’t exist in-game until 2018

Diversity within the game, whether models or narrative, and care therein, have never been a priority for the company. We all know this. And this reality was a trickle down effect of larger culture.

I am sure that adding IRL racial diversity to the in-game humans was brought up regularly, but it was probably shut down repeatedly. Same way their internal women’s and LGBT groups were shut down, and parallel the LGBT Guild was shut down in-game.


If Bobby leaves they have to pay him absurd amounts of money and then find a new person to replace him with. Which probably cost even more money.

Nobody is removing Call of Duty from their platform. Bobby doesn’t need to leave and if he does he is pretty much agreeing to the wrong doings.

That’s not entirely true. There was originally a darker skin tone that was removed when they updated the human models in WoD, which is even worse. I think there were a handful of Black NPC’s too, but I can’t think of any.


Weren’t there two or three of the Black Dragonflight that used the darker skinned human model?


I guess I slightly try not to think about how much a white CIS-Straight “bro gamer” culture Blizzard had going historically, because it is just so just…ughhh.

As a someone with Scandinavian heritage and a moon tan that make you go blind to go along with it… makes me feel really weird and gross when I read stuff about their resistance to representation.


which explains Wrathion being gorgeous uwu

but also lol the Black Dragonflight is the Evil Crazy One

It’s like my favorite Southern Gothic Trope meme, #15

Interracial marriage wasn’t universally legal in the US until the 70s for the love of God lmao barely 50 years ago


Hm… not sure what I think about this. gonna have to process on it a bit.

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Two directors of the company will investigate and auto-evaluate itself to see if it could be doing more lol

and what’s hilarious is they named it some 1970s type language, “Workplace Responsibility Committee”


IDK. “Workplace Responsibility Committee” sounds more like some sinister behind-the-scenes group that makes those they deem “irresponsible” disappear. It’s the name you give as part of the cover story for your in-house assassins.

Which I guess you could have in the 70s, so I don’t entirely disagree.

… I’m not saying King ActiBlizz now has their own in-house assassins to remove employees who complain too much, but I’m also not NOT saying they have their own in-house assassins!!


Don’t plants have gender, or sex anyway?

To be fair, ff does have gender/sex restricted races. At least temporarily.

Plants are cool because “perfect” plants are considered “hermaphrodites” or “bisexual”

So inasmuch they have both, they are neither.

There’s a lot of literature about horizontal discourse between Intersex peoples and NB/GQ peoples for that reasons, due to the socialized nature of gender/sex ambiguity

Ain’t nobody talking about FF rn lol but yes, they suck for that and their playerbase is pushing for such