Lawsuit Timeline Summary + Lore articles

Shareholders hate nothing more than bad press that affects their stock prices. :wolf:

Wait here. Vuldezi is 100% a NE or just a alliance player posting on a horde alt. He was probably one of the most anti-horde here on the forum. Don’t lump him with us.


Come to think of it

Vuldezi and Smallioz disappeared around the same time (June 8th last post from Vuldezi, August 5th last post from Smallioz)

which was the same time my twitter/wowpedia stalker appeared

And smallioz claimed to be various backgrounds, and one of the times my stalker was harassing me on wowpedia they pretended to be different people of different ethnicities


and both of their takes and arguments line up with each other and with my stalker


While both were nearly as toxic, i don’t think they are the same person. Smallioz at least had some moment where he wasn’t bashing the horde or wasn’t acting against the code of the forum while Vul did nothing but calling horde player name until the point where a mod delete big part of many of his conversation.

I am 100% sure that Vuldezi is just silenced since then ( he still like many post) while Smallioz might just have unsubbed like many people.


dangit bobby

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I don’t know if this belongs here, but an employee left. It probably has nothing to do with the lawsuit, however.


A lot of other companies are going to be looking to poach what Talent blizzard has left in this moment of total face-in-the-mud weakness.

Won’t be surprised if there are a lot more.


This might be a good time to talk about the 2019 Blizzcon voice actor panel and Andrea Toyias weird inappropriate touching of Andrew Morgado that made him so uncomfortable he had to move away from her, she kept stroking his biceps. It’s not just the male employees who are creepy at Blizzard, this whole interview until he moved made me super uncomfortable.

I have yet to hear anyone bring it up.


That’s horrible.

Unfortunately that is a major problem within western culture as a whole. Even more so if the assault was done by a Women, as the male should be considered “lucky” that they were sexually assaulted by a women. Implying that they wouldn’t have gotten any otherwise. Especially if it was an “attractive” female. Then there is the “sexual assault in prison” as a type of karmic justice. Where fictional cops use it as a threat to get male suspects to talk. Plus there is that line Milhouse makes in the Stonecore about learning not to drop the soap while he was accidently imprisoned on a Naaru prison ship.


I removed that in order not to cause a fight. I was disappointed you responded to it.

Unless you think it is okay to display those sorts of things, what is there to fight about?

Honest question; why are you disappointed / why did you delete it? SA towards men is often played for jokes, and there’s examples in the game of it. And it’s clearly not right. It’s fair to discuss. So why the delete?

No judgment here, just curiousity.


SA with men I think is a whole onion of awful that has layers of cultural gender roles and expectations that have to be torn through.


Andrea Toyias is someone who seems to have boundary issues. I noticed in the BlizzConline VA Panel that she seems like someone who acts flirty with everyone. Calling Danuser “Cuddles”. Definitely got a West Coast type of vibe from her. She might need to tone down the eccentricity.


To be clear, I doubt Doness had any kind of bad intent here at all. Off the cuff, and back home on my computer instead of my phone at work, I can see plenty of perfectly reasonable answers to my question; maybe they just felt the topic of male SA was too heavy for the Story forums of a fantasy video game, maybe they just don’t want the burden of being the one to start that conversation, maybe they didn’t want to further derail this topic, so on and so forth. The phrasing with “disappointed” might look suspect, but even that doesn’t raise any flags with me when it’s perfectly conceivabl;e that if a situation like one of those I mention occurred, the “disappointment” is more like “I’m disappointed that I wasn’t quick enough to delete my post, and we’re here now”.

Again, I’m not trying to rush to judgment. There’s very reasonable and understandable possibilities here. Benefit of the doubt is given freely here.


I like to think that people are responsible for what they post. You have a habit of deleting a lot of your posts. It’s better to think about what you’re going to post instead of posting something then deleting it afterwards. Stand by what you post. Stop making posts just to change your mind and delete them later.


Bobby is “considering quitting.” Ugh, he should be gone.


He won’t leave until he can figure out which of his close frie- I mean, which extremely talented person at Activision is best suited to replace him.


Not that I’ve ever known enough about the names involved at Blizzard to weigh in here, but who is even… Besides Ybarra and the story team writers, who is even left?

Of course I’m not saying this gutting of the rancid upper management is bad. But does anyone know who is still in line?