Launcher Downloading Huge Amount

same thing is happening to me. there was a small update from then it started another update, 50gig download. I paused and ran a scan and repair which lowered the download to 25gig. Not sure whats going on, but this happens with the classic beta when there is a retail update.

Hey there,

It sounds like the file path set up in the launcher might be off. I’ve seen cases where folks the game installs inside of a sub folder of the existing game folder. Kind of awkward when it happens, but it’s more common than anyone would think.

My advice would be to fully uninstall both games completely. Once they’re fully removed, install the retail client only. Wait for it to fully install before selecting the PTR. This should put the PTR in a sub folder of the retail client so that it only takes up 10-11GB instead of having it’s own folder, which requires a full reinstall so it has data folders to pull from.

Hope this info helps!

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This just happened to me. I am in the process of downloading the entire retail game again.
File paths are:

C:\world of warcraft\ classic_beta
C:\world of warcraft\ ptr
C:\world of warcraft\ retail
C:\world of warcraft\data

And for some reason the forum won’t let me post underscores which are in the filepatch before and afterclassic_beta, ptr, and retail. But I am pretty sure you know how the file paths look like

I changed the default file path from \programs(x86) to the root on the C:\ drive
If this is the cause of the issue why let us change the default file path?
I shoudn’t have to re-download the game every time the launcher has an identity crisis.

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You’re right, you shouldn’t, which is why we’re gathering this information. That behavior is not intended. Usually that kind of thing should only happen if the launcher thinks the game is not installed, with the new nested file structure. Did reinstalling and moving the game fix this for you?

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Deleting the PTR and classic beta totally from my hard drive fixed the problem, I still had to re download the game (it was all still on my computer but not according to the launcher shrugs)
It’s been fixed since then

EDIT I did have all the WoW files in sub files, so maybe there’s an issue there? Idk but that was the only thing I could think of

I’m a huge fan of the launcher not being capable of handling the creating of proper file paths for itself to read


So today I started up Battle dot net only to see that there is 53gb update waiting to be downloaded for World of Warcraft. What in the world is in this latest update that’s that friggin’ huge?!

I got this as well

its not an update the game just deleted itself

and its redownloading


Any idea why it would do that?

Marilely, Hatchmarket,

It’s more likely that the Blizzard Launcher doesn’t recognize your game files. This can sometimes happen.

The install/patching process you then see will look for game files in the game folder and use any it’s able to identify. It’s more of a scan and repair than an actual reinstall. It will still look like it’s installing the full game, but it won’t download any files it finds already present so the process will take less time than a full reinstall.

The repair will still take a decent amount of time though. I do recommend letting it finish to resolve the issue as well.

Hey there friends,

I have merged a few thread in to this one. These issues all seem related. We are looking in to this and tracking the problem. To help us we would like to grab some files. This will help us fix this going forward. I would like to have you run our log goblin tool.

After that is done, email that file to with the subject “WoW install problem”.

Thanks for taking the time to report this and we hope we can fine the cause of this soon!


I’m having a similar issue. I just opened the bnet launcher.

  1. It made me log in even though I have it set to keep me logged in
  2. once logged in it scanned for my installed games and only found 1. I had to manually direct it to all the other games.
  3. Launcher will not recognize the folder that WoW is installed to. I can manually launch the game from the folder that it is installed to, but the launcher app for whatever reason refuses to acknowledge that the game is in fact installed to that directory.

What is happening with this launcher!?!

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Mine, again, keeps downloading game data. I don’t want to be charged by my ISP because your game downloads are eating my data.

Tuesday 6.18.19 in the evening, I was having the same issues as everyone else.
Game started like a new game, add-ons missing, game loads really slow etc…
Then I tried launching the game via: Twitch. And WoW the game loaded alot quicker and all my addons are there and game ran alot smoother.
Can Blizzard figure this one out?

Hey there Rut,

We are working on figuring this out. If you or anyone else wants to help, read my post above.

We hope to have more news soon!


your file has been sent 6.22.19 11:31am cst

Hey there Rut,

Thanks for getting us that file. I sent it over to the engineers now. :slight_smile:


Would this explain why I have 125gb free on my SSD and when i go to install a fresh install of WoW onto it, it ends up using all of that?


That’d be a different error. You’ll want to create your own thread for that one. For the rest of you, we have pushed an update for the update agent which may fix this. It should be automatically installed now. Please send us additional logs if you find that you are still having this problem.

Any word on whats going on with the goblin tool i sent you???
btw…patch day 24hrs away