Latest Nerfs

See the nerfs? yall got your wish. DK, DH Etc.

Where can I find this info?

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The DK nerf seems pretty negligible. W/e though. They aren’t suuuper insane. DH is my only glaring issue.

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Pretty hefty nerf to a modifier on something that does like 20-40% of their dmg.

I don’t have an issue with their sustained damage. It’s their insane Apoc windows. A nerf to that and not coil makes more sense imo.

mage mobility nerf is nice but not enough, str8 up
and wheres the brew buffs at

Pretty weird how FW and RDRU got (deserved) nerfs but Disc, the most OP healer, remained untouched.


they really need to address the mage talent that gives them a charge of blink/shimmer on alter time consumption, and alter time itself honestly.

Fact that demo was untouched is laughable tho lol but good start.

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Yeah, I’m kinda shocked. There’s already more discs than druids (and every other healer) at the top of every bracket. Now that gap is just going to widen to an even more hilarious extent.

Rogues seemingly getting off lightly

W/E I just hope the nerfs to Decree and Hunt are actually just for Havoc and not Veng :dracthyr_heart:

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i was really enjoying assa rogue. 8% damage nerf to kingsbane is kind of a lot for the burst

that’s because its fun lol. It was literally the worst healer last season and yet had one of the highest solo shuffle healer representations. rdruid was objectively the best and yet still less people played them


is this a slap on the wrist? 5% here 10% there 15% over there nerfs

thank you challengerz this is exactly the feedback devs need to keep making a+ changes

Taking bets on what we complain about most next week

Think 2Hander Tuesday is gonna lead to a lot of Arms threads

Disc needs it now they knocked Rdruid off

Thing about Disc is double melee can just train it into the dirt in Shuffle

It’s like, stop the opening enemy go, wait 1/2 minutes, swap Disc, you win


Also, praise Jeebus: * Paladin

  • Holy
    • Mana Regeneration now decreased by 25% (was 55%) in PvP combat.

Much like the majority of the rank 1 community, lock once again goes untouched