I just disagree in M+ with oracle right now.
Premonition is a good AoE healing tool right now, which is really what was needed. There’s a few spots on healers where I’ve felt relatively unsafe and I don’t think Holy feels worse than them anymore as Oracle.
I’m hoping it doesn’t get nerfed, but piety self healing is pretty much what the spec needed to succeed IMO. I don’t think hpriest will be meta, but it’s absolutely better than people have been saying and definitely viable. Disc I’m still very doomer about and I also think oracle’s playstyle just doesn’t work for disc well either.
I just don’t like how cooldown dependent Holy is now. In M+ it was just your raw healing output that carried you, but now you have to rotate between 4 cds (Apo/Premonition or Halo/Divine Word/Divine Hymn).
That’s fair.
I think every class is pretty cooldown locked for the healing challenges now, too. There’s not really any healer that’s pushing through without popping CDs anymore. Which might also be part of why Druid feels so much weaker now that I think about it, because they really don’t have great burst tools or CDs to carry them through the worst stuff.
I’m tempted to roll with your Orison Divine Word M+ Build.
I have no interest in lightweaver, burned out on that during SL. I currently pug 12-13s with the Divine Word M+.
Hopefully CoH is a little more useful than a wet noodle now!
I still want restitution to be somewhere more accesible without having to lose Core capstone that completes our class like Divine Image, Lightweaver or Divine word…
Like if you want to make capstones as core design gameplay then move utility somewhere we can reach it
I’d hate having to make the choice, but the logical place to move it to would be to compete against Guardian Angel (Guardians of the Light or whatever it’s called could be moved to PvP talents).
That would be a brutal choice to make: save your allies (and possibly yourself) more often or be sure that you yourself are safe from death - and incidentally how convenient that is for progression content.
But the priest trees lack interesting/difficult choices like that so it’d be a good change.
That might not be bad for lower keys, but it would be VERY VERY bad in high key. Moving it to GA’s spot would actually 100% kill the talent in any high key level (not that it has a lot of life ATM). Hpriest absolutely needs that 60s CD. Holy pretty much pops this on CD, often on DPS to keep them from dying in high key tyrannical.
There is a fairly high level priest that runs restitution (specifically rank 7 on rIO).
She basically uses it as a health/mana reset during intense bosses. There’s a bunch of videos on her douyu where you can see her use it. And I think if it’s good enough in its current slot to be taken in keys that difficult and get title, it’s probably OK where it is. Mostly I would rather it just get a buff to be a 5 min cooldown or something, instead.
Also worth noting that Restitution does combine with Afterlife and still res you. Giving you a 20s immortality with free mana where you can “battle rez” another player, but neither of them count towards the battle rez limit for your group. So it is actually somewhat powerful, even if it doesn’t sound it. That’s almost certainly why it’s a capstone.
Just feels very hard to utilize when it’s got such a ridiculously long CD.
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Oh, I actually didn’t know that. I assumed the “putting yourself to rest” line on Afterlife meant it ensured your own death after you rezzed someone else regardless. I should have figured Blizz isn’t exactly great on their tooltip explanations of complex abilities.
I mean, an alternative would be to move Restitution to a fourth capstone location by itself, choice (or no choice) required. The tree could use some filling out like that anyway. It just doesn’t make a lot of sense where it is competing with Divine Word.
The original DF alpha had Restitution where Afterlife is. It’d be nice if they just trimmed down all the 2 pointers to 1 pointers down at the bottom of the tree and gave us 6 end tree talents nodes to pick from which included Restitution.
We’d be in line with every other class ingame.
Yeah that sounds like a good solution to me.
I think just giving restitution in a pretty accessible place is obviously a PvP nightmare. But on the PvE side it’s still fairly powerful, too. It just has an insane cooldown that makes it hard to actually plan to use at all and while it’s down it’s obviously worthless in pve.
Having another capstone against DI and lowering the 2 pointers is a good idea for it.
Though it doesn’t put us on par with Disc who still have a giant 2 point barrier in front of everything but the Uppies line and the uppies line is god awful too, lol.
Disc just has bad end tree talents: easily in the top 3 worst in the game. You just take Mindbender and ignore everything else.
Trim the fat from the bloat of the prayer of mending talents, please! That would be wonderful and at this point, I don’t think it’s asking too much from Blizzard.
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They should probably remove HW: Salvation along with tuning Archon then they could probably balance the specs healing tool kit better.
Oh man, I would vote a big fat “no,” on that one.
I would rather see Salv just put on a flat 4-5 minute cooldown instead of needing to rely on Holy Word casts to reset it. Holy’s only advantage in raid next tier is they get 3 big raid healing cds and Symbol of Hope.
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Maybe (hopefully?) that’s on their to-do list after they deprecate tier set bonuses. Salv with no prospect of ever getting a second cast off in even the longer fights feels bad.
And that is why its healing outside of CD’s is terrible. All of those CD’s are not a good thing.
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This is the first expansion I’ve seen where Holy was balanced around one raid healing ability which is Archon Halo. You burst out 1mil hps on a 20-30 man sized raid for 15s and then most of your heals do 1-1.5 mil a cast while other healers are closer to 3-4 mil.
In DF the raid healing cooldowns were just extra token bonuses not something we were balanced around.
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You may believe that but it hasn’t been the case going back to RDruids in Dragon Soul. You are balanced around maximum output over the duration of a fight. Whether or not you can keep people alive without cooldowns is not a consideration.
Remember when HW: Salv first came out in Legion? Archon Halo you think rivals that?
I probably should use my beta invite I got shortly after I came back to test for myself - but it seemed too spoiler-y to jump into beta so late in the day.