Late Night Warrior LF AoTC Guild

Warrior dad just looking for a chill guild to do some raiding with on Friday/Saturday late night. Up for mythic raiding, but casually. My normal available time is 10pm-7am CST.

I play both horde and alliance, and currently main Rogue/Warrior.

Have AoTC and KSM experience for all seasons in SL and plan to continue the trend in Dragonflight.

Hello there! We have open spots on my 1x/week aotc focused team. I’m not sure if you could swing the time, but if it works, i’d love to chat.

Bit early in the day for me unfortunately with kids, but I appreciate the response. :slight_smile:

< Trinity > is an Adult Gaming Community / Guild. We’ve started rebuilding at the end of Season 3 Shadowlands. Our Servers: Icecrown, Garona, Burning Blade, Lightning’s Blade & Malygos ot of our Members are from **Most of us are from servers such as Thrall,Illidan,Sargaras,Stormrage, Proudmoore, Bleeding Hollow , & Malganis . We are recruiting for DragonFlight Come Check us out !! BJB#0407 is my discord