Late Night AOTC Guild LFM for S4/TWW - 9/9 ATDH 9/9 ATSC 8/8 VotI. [Hyjal] - T/W - 10:30 PM EST/7:30 PM PST

9/9 Heroic Awakened ATDH down.

Looking for more to perfectly round out the team and to hit the ground running in TWW

Still browsing our thread?! Give us a shout =)

To the top! LFM to round out the team!

8/8 Heroic Awakened VotI cleared. Getting ready for MoP Remix!

Hello, are you still looking for a holy paladin? I also have a 70 horde pally too, not that it’s required with cross faction, however, I enjoy playing both factions.

I had taken a break in S3 of DF and just came back to the game. I’m diving into MoP remix and looking for a guild to venture with into TWW raiding and m+. I’ll be a healer main. I also have every healer leveled to 70.

If you could respond to me here that’ll be great and then I’ll provide my discord info.

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Hey Lunavvah, indeed we are! My disc is markwahlbear if you want to send me a message there. Thanks!

Hi Markwahlbear,

Thank you for reaching out. I’m unable to send you a message in Discord as I’ll need to know your discord name with the hashtag. Here is my BNET, feel free to contact me Juniperberry#1342

Bobbymercer#8479 is the full discord.

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Hello! I’ve sent you a request through Discord :smiling_face:

Some of us are goofing off in MoP remix too, give us a shout!

Are you guys only looking for heals?

Hey Lini - Right now we have a very solid group and would consider anyone who shares the same goals as us. Give us a shout on discord to talk more!

Best of luck in your search :slight_smile: