Last Hurrah Weekly and weekly ember caches

Ongoing today. Two alts received lvl 250 trinkets, and one got a piece of season 2 gear. :roll_eyes:

Different week, same crap - Valdrakken weekly provided a 350 green trinket.

How is this still a thing?

We went through this week 1 of Season 4. Blizzard could’ve disabled/removed the NPC so people couldn’t hand it in. They didn’t. GMs could’ve been given the power to fix this. They don’t have it. Blizzard claimed they weren’t able to fix it. After days of complaints on the forums, Blizzard finally found a way to compensate those affected and they got a new chest mailed to them.

After all that, how are we here months later when the weekly chest is not giving S4 gear?

They only gave the dungeon goers a new chest. World content players were out of luck first time around as well. It is happening hit and miss for every world event now.

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Just completed Weekly and was rewarded with 350ilvl Trinket…Cmon Blizz this is getting old :frowning:

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Same here across multiple alts. 250 gear from last hurrah and one alt hasnt been getting anything from the time rift. also a lot of season 3 gear from embers.

250 trinket out of a world boss box… pretty frustrating.

Another alt, another green piece of trash from ‘Last Hurrah’ that is below leveling gear ilevel at this point.

OMG would you please fix this - gear doesn’t drop in that event enough and to do all three events and then get an ilvl 250 piece of gear on a fresh 70 is very annoying.

If you’re looking to gear up an alt or something, the Radiant Echoes event will give you the easiest 480 gear you’ll ever get. With the changes to the events now, you can get a fully geared character in no time.

Please don’t derail the thread. People should be able to expect what has been promised as rewards in this game.

That wasn’t the intent. I was offering an alternative to getting high level gear that’s all. I have this issue with the weekly as well and it does need to be fixed, but it doesn’t hinder my ability to gear my alts as there are other means. Chill.

I disagree with how good that event is. All the gear except for the one guaranteed piece for the characters I am playing are downgrades - often 100 ilvls lower than what I have (that is probably bugged too in fact) so my fresh 70s are coming out of that event with one piece of gear and maybe 20k currency which is only enough to buy a few pieces that I don’t get after doing the world quest events.

This is already the SECOND week of incorrect rewards from that weekly quest as well.

Continue farming the currency and you’ll have tons of 480 gear before you know it. Hell, you can do it on your main and blast through the Echoes of Memories and transfer the gear straight to your under-geared alt. Then take your alt and go grab your Tier pieces using that gear and you’re set until TWW launches. :person_shrugging:

Or don’t. It’s up to you, but it just sounds like what you’re describing is you’re not understanding how simple this can be. I’m just trying to help, not start an argument about it.

Why are you trying to tell me how to play the game? I never asked for your advice - this is a bug report not a discussion section. I play the way I want doing content I enjoy doing and I want them to fix this.

Lol ok my dude. Not wasting any more of my time on a jerk. Have fun! :heart:

Awesome next time don’t spam a bug report thread with nonsense. People don’t want your 2 cents, they want the game to work right.

Another week, another screw. No cache for the Time Rift on one, and a 250 ilvl trinket in the Last Hurrah cache on another. This is after only 2 toons. Both screwed.

Why is this still a thing?

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If I put in a ticket for the blue 250 level trinket from the Last Hurrah cache, are they going to tell me “tough”?

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Yep, still a bug. This is rough.