The amount of setup just to hit this ability is absurd for the damage return. Another developer fail. I was excited to see a monk rework, but they are still afraid to make the class competitive in PvP
If it was too good it would be weenie roast 5000. I get WHY its just kinda nuts to make it really bad instead of like an ability people could use. Classic Blizzard
This should have been a caster MW talent
I mean its a very fun PVE talent. Especially the AOE allowing for quicker mob tagging too. Long setup abilities dont do well in short pvp fights.
It’s actually doing 8-10% of overall in some dungeons on beta. Could definitely be a viable pick
What have ppl been dropping for it? Right now it looks like it’s a trade for either TTP, FoX, XBG, or CwtW.
I’ve found the most success dropping xuens bond and Xuens battlegear. Keeping communion, ttp, and FoX. Just feelycraft though, could end up being different. I know Dabnel has tried a few variations as well
O.o how are you keeping Xuen’s Bond? Did you drop WDP?
I figured it’d have been a toss up between FoX and TTP since XBG feeds FoF.
actually insane callout, this would solve the issue of caster mw doing no dam
Just feelycraft, could be wrong to not take XBG. I find I’m not pressing RSK often in aoe though, since SCK is such a massive part of my dmg, only really to allow WDP. Could be why.
Dropping XBG feels like such a loss of FoFs. I’ve had crazy pulls where FoF matched SCK damage even with ridiculous DoCJs. FoF is usually my top source of damage at the end of a dungeon with SCK a little behind.
Yeah we’ll have to see when sims come out, I could be totally wrong