Thanks so much! So looking forward to hunting down Brann’s hat for him
Just go prot and get it done easily.
Curious. I wonder why they’re removing the I TAKE CANDLE acheive from the delve meta achieve.
They’ve changed the candle mechanic for delves in S2. So you don’t hold one totem anymore. You place multiple candles where you want light so the achievement mechanics don’t apply.
Mind explaining how this works?
We can hold more than one candle now is what you’re saying? I think I understand I’m just struggling to see how it works in practice.
At the start of the delve you can pickup three candles. You can keep track of how many you have in the buff bar at the top. Picking up candles does not create a light radius around you like the totems did. Instead you click the little action button and place a candle where you’d like the light radius to be. It has a very long placement range so you can pretty much place them anywhere you like in a room. When you’re done using them you can pick them up again or just abandon them and get more in later rooms. I personally collected the candles back after using them and had about 6 to drop for final boss room, effectively lighting the entire room.
I see, curious to play with the mechanic changes then come next season.
Thank you for the breakdown.
As much as I wanted to collect the mogs for s1 delves I always kept getting the same rewards and now the set will remain incomplete.
Some of the.pieces I get from delve vault were parts of raid sets that kept me from completing the delve set.
I wish we could select one piece of gear from each vault activity for us mog collectors, It’s rather silly to select one piece out of the 4 activities we have done in game.
Rotating 4 characters isn’t easy.
All the delve sets can be completed by purchasing them with Bloody Tokens, the Warmode Currency. You don’t actually have to pvp, you can just do world quests while in Warmode and you get 100 Bloody Tokens from each WQ.
You can also do the Sparks of War Weekly, which requires you to get 100 Sparks of War in 1 of the zones. Each WQ gives 10 Sparks, rares give 5 I think. The quest gives 1500 Bloody Tokens.
Super easy to get the “delve” sets this way. I bought every single appearance and didn’t have to bash my head into a wall waiting on RNG.
I mean you have to look no further than the Algari Dungeon achievements to see this, this absurd change has been in place since the season started as a compensation for allowing mythic dungeons to be on a daily lockout. They made it to where you can only spam four expansion dungeons on mythic now, so we’ll probably have to wait until the expansion ends before we can start spamming SV again for the mount.
Can anyone confirm/refute unequivocally if this means we have until March 3rd to get things like Nerub-ar Ahead of the Curve???
The War Within Season 1 wraps up with the release of the Undermine(d) content update. If you’re a completionist, then this handy list of all the things that will become unavailable or change with the release of The War Within Season 2 on March 4 is for you!
The presence of these two statements in the same text leads to confusion. Do season 1’s achievements “wrap” with the patch on the 25th, or do they “become unavailable” with season 2 on the 4th? Doesn’t “wrap” = “become unavailable”? I would think that yes, but wording implies that no?
Again, for example, can one get Ahead of the Curve until the 25th, or until the 4th?
This one. GL!
Won’t being in war mode make you attackable by the other faction?
Yes! However, outside the actual Warmode PvP designated world quests (there’s only 2 of these up per day), and the war supply crates dropping no one really interacts with other players.
You can easily play in Warmode and avoid PvP all together. If it does stumble upon you and you want to not deal with t it just let them kill you and go afk for 2-3 minutes. They’ll leave.
Will we lose access to the current M0 dungeons on the 25th or on the 4th? My assumption is that there will be no M0 dungeons available for the week between when S1 ends and S2 begins. But I have not seen this explicitly stated anywhere.
Does anyone know if the High Explorer title will be no longer achievable ever after the season ends, or will it just be now tied to a new achievement, presumably just at a higher level Delve?