Larian Studios calls out Blizzard

The problem is that too many studios are investor-driven rather than customer-driven. They release games in a state to appease investors and shareholders and to get something out during that quarter.

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yes, that’s what happens when you’re a publicly-traded company :frowning:

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You can tell when people haven’t gotten to Act 3 when they talk about how bug free and ready the game was for release.

Within 2 weeks they announced a patch to fix over 1,000 bugs all over the game, Blizzard doesn’t release patches to fix things they broke 8 months prior.

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As someone who enjoyed BG1 and BG2 (thousands of hours of BG2), as well as D&D as a whole. I’m very much enjoying Baldur’s Gate 3 :fox_face:

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It kills my computer. I had to undervolt my gpu just tonget it stable enough tonplay on lowest setting.

That being said its scratching that ever present itch that i have tonplay dnd but cant because i dont have enough friends local that would play or someone good at bing gm.

I also have a bad taste in mybmouth by playing with groups over disc. Not allnwere bad but after literally having to tell someone “no one likes your hardcore lesbian, feminist bard whose cloths fall off every time your roll a d20 and refuses to interact with males and watched a party memeber die then tried to transmute their bodies gender causing it to explode so soved the body parts into a bag of holding…”

I could gonon about that one but you get the point.

I hope they are in the vein of the grand scheme of gaming.

The main take away of BG3 is showing that it’s possible to create well polished games on release rather than a lot of half baked games people have seen lately that are meant to appease investors.

Larion Studios is roughly a tenth the size of Blizzard. If they had Blizzard’s resources I doubt that’d translate to increasing their production speed tenfold, but they’d obviously be able to pump out content much faster, not that they need to release a BG4 any time soon. Nice thing about some of these developers is they cycle through various projects rather than work on Game, Game #2, Game #3 like clockwork.

You can’t have that kind of situation with an MMO though. MMOs require constant updates so it’s definitely not fair to expect Blizzard to put out BG3 levels of quality into WoW. I mean the progressive side of me says that in 20 or 30 years pumping out games like BG3 is the norm even for an MMO, but that kind of stuff takes time. You can’t set a new standard and everyone adapts to it the next day.

I dont rememeber 1 or 2 but ibreally enjoyed 3.5 and when switching to 5 i was like what you mean i cant do …


Im not sure what that means other than maybe it matches the player?

But mine i just hit random for my female tiefling succubus warlock until my guardian literally looked like captian jack sparrow.

Hello, I see you replied to the thread. Haha, not a lot of players!? They broke over 875000 concurrent players which easily places them within the top 10 games ever on Steam! It sounds like you are confusing concurrent players with sales numbers! If 2 copies of a game are sold and only 1 person is online at a time during a 24 hour period, that doesn’t mean 1 copy of a game was sold, haha!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

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Hello, I see you replied to the thread. Haha, I have no idea what “playersexual” means! That must be some new lingo the kids are using! I started a new character and he is going full barbarian, aka fully nude, haha!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

My actual dnd barbarian is also nude and a master grappler. Westling champion of neverwinter. No armor, too restrictive.

I do have plans to try and recreate him as best as i can in bg3 at some point.

Lotta people are mad about their dude being hit on by other dudes, when companions have been designed to hit on the player regardless of gender (hence playersexual) for years.

Which reminds me that BG3’s success is clearly made up since the game is woke as hell, and therefore should be going broke.

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Yes. But won’t happen. Just as with movies and other entertainment - - there seems to be this mentality that minimal is good and throwing micro transactions at it will suffice. (Entertainment; movies etc are just all about low quality and justifying bad product; if nothing else, they’ll just blame the audience)

Gone are the days of quality over quantity. It’s literal bizarro world now-a-days.

They literally just made probably the best game in the past 10 years.

While i dont follow said ideology, i can concur, it is very “woke”.

I don’t see Microsoft wanting to buy that studio, so I’m not sure why we should listen to what they have to say.

So, what you’re saying is, they were smart.

I understand that completely and its depressing. I can only hope that more and more game studios spring up that produce some great games before going public and becoming slaves to the bottom line.

This is a good thing.

Microsoft needs to stay the heck out of video games.