Large honor loss after week tallying

Look, none of you had as much honor as you think you did. Quit crying and thinking you deserve to rank up fast when you aren’t grinding honor for 18+ hours per day like the hardcore players.

So you’re saying that seeing an estimated honor calculation of 40k on Monday drop down to an actual reward of 7k on Tuesday is just a bug and not completely broken?
That doesn’t seem likely.
Also, no one is grinding honor for 18+ hours a day when a day is only 24 hours, so get over yourself.

Estimated honor doesn’t take into account diminishing returns either.

True, but I only had 5k the first week, then it showed 40k the second week, which dropped down to 7k on Tuesday. That’s much, much more than diminished returns + honor from last week (known bug).

Makes me sad they cant fix “display” bug in a 15 year old game